OpenCV Assertion failed : Build doesn't support current CPU/HW config
Trying to start up but i get these error messages, does anyone have a clue?
1st Error line
- This OpenCV build doesn't support current CPU/HW configuration *
- *
- Use OPENCV_DUMP_CONFIG=1 environment variable for details *
2th Error line Required baseline features: SSE - OK SSE2 - OK SSE3 - OK SSSE3 - NOT AVAILABLE OpenCV Error: Assertion failed (Missing support for required CPU baseline features. Check OpenCV build configuration and required CPU/HW setup.) in initialize, file /opt/opencv/modules/core/src/system.cpp, line 492 terminate called after throwing an instance of 'cv::Exception' what(): /opt/opencv/modules/core/src/system.cpp:492: error: (-215) Missing support for required CPU baseline features. Check OpenCV build configuration and required CPU/HW setup. in function initialize
opencv version, os, etc ? how did you install it ?
Have the same error
Installing opencv ver 3.2 in ubuntu 16:04 have no errors after cmake. follow instruction in