cvtColor RGB to GRAY end up in a shorter video with nine tiles instead of one

asked Apr 25 '17

I am new to opencv and python and not really sure ehere to address this issue... When I gray-scale a mp4 teststream I end up with a grayed video but it is shorter than the original and i see it multiple (9) times in the viewing frame.

To test my code I used cv2.COLOR_RGB2YUV and that woked fine

This works fine 10 as one image in the viewing frame

new_clip = test_clip.fl_image(lambda x: cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_RGB2YUV))

This fails only 3 sec. output and 9 tiles of the same content in the viewing frame

new_clip = test_clip.fl_image(lambda x: cv2.cvtColor(x, cv2.COLOR_RGB2GRAY))

Best regards NIls

tested in miniconda jupyter notebook: bleach 1.5.0 py36_0
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@Raphaell, please don't post anwers, if you have a comment or question, thank you.

berak gravatar imageberak (Apr 26 '17)edit

Hi, did you find any solution? I'm having the same problem here

Raphaell gravatar imageRaphaell (Apr 26 '17)edit

@Raphaell No RGB2GRAY still fails... with corrupted output and I am wondering to be the only one where it fails. If you have a solution indeed please let me know...

Nils Koehler gravatar imageNils Koehler (May 1 '17)edit