OpenCv with contrib
i followed a tutorial by ZHAJOR in building opencv with the extra modules i couldnt post the link so the tutorial is titled INSTALL OPENCV AND MAKE A TEST PROJECT WITH CLION i should also mention that i did build it with homebrew too i got no errors using the face recognizer in the extra modules
#include <opencv2/face.hpp>
cv::Ptr <cv::face::FaceRecognizer> model = cv::face::createLBPHFaceRecognizer();
, but whenever i #include opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp i got a fatal error im using c++ with opencv 3.2
and fatal error is ? can you post cmakelists.txt please use 101010 button to preformat code
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.6)
the error it gives is
sorry cmakelists ouput when you build opencv and opencv_contrib
where do i find it ?
when you run :
in output you must find something like
OpenCV modules:
if your code is included in you cannot use opencv 3.2.
To test your install you can copy this source code and it should be OK if your install is good
can you please explain why cant i use the openvision libraries ? is it because there's no opencv2/contrib/contrib.hpp anymore in the opencv 3.2 version?
Yes opencv3.2 is new opencv version (dec-2016) Opencvvision is 3 years old so I think you can use it with