converting from iplimage to cvmat and vise versa
could anybody please tell me how can i convert iplimage to mat and convert mat to iplimage
could anybody please tell me how can i convert iplimage to mat and convert mat to iplimage
To convert from Mat to IplImage :
Mat mat_img;
IplImage ipl_img = mat_img;
For example to use ipl_img you will write ,
cvNot(&ipl_img ,&ipl_img );
To convert from IplImage to Mat :
IplImage ipl_img;
Mat mat_img(ipl_img );
Check OpenCV C++ Cheatsheet. It can be helpful.
(taken from the sheet)
// Assuming somewhere IplImage *iplimg; exists
// and has been allocated and cv::Mat Mimg has been defined
Mat imgMat(iplimg); //Construct an Mat image "img" out of an IplImage
Mimg = iplimg; //Or just set the header of pre existing cv::Mat
//Ming to iplimg's data (no copying is done)
//Convert to IplImage or CvMat, no data copying
IplImage ipl_img = img;
CvMat cvmat = img; // convert cv::Mat -> CvMat
Asked: 2013-05-28 03:30:48 -0600
Seen: 38,289 times
Last updated: May 28 '13
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