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Determine distance to vehicle in image

asked 2017-04-03 04:35:58 -0600

Adrian I. gravatar image

I have 2 image:

1) Initial image when I detected car.

2) IPM image when I transformed image to another plan.

I don't have any information about camera parameters. I know the location of the car in original image and in IPM image and I wish to know how can I determinate the distance between the car and the camera. Can we assume the height of the camera is 1 m.

Exist any formula or algorithm for that?

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answered 2017-04-03 09:24:41 -0600

LBerger gravatar image

I think it is possible using algorithm 8.1 given in "Multiple view geometry in computer vision" R. Hartley A. Zisserman

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Asked: 2017-04-03 04:35:58 -0600

Seen: 384 times

Last updated: Apr 03 '17