Adding OpenCV_Contrib to VS
I have some trouble installing the further opencv modules. I'm working with MVS2015 and openCV 3.2 on Windows. I installed openCV by adding opencv to the System PATH and giving each Visual Studio Projects the additional include directories. (C:\opencv\build\include, C:\opencv\build\x64\vc14\lib, opencv_world310d.lib;%(AdditionalDependencies)) It works fine so far. Now I need the modules from opencv_contrib. I downloaded them but I am not sure how to handle their installation. I found out that CMake is usually used for it. But I am not familiar with it. By trying it following Error appears:
CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:93 (project): No CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER could be found.
The fact that I use opencv in normal c++-projects makes this error seems strange. I am grateful for every advise solving that problem.
in cmake select Visual studio 14 2015 win64 generator. Don't forget to remove CMackeCache.txt
It says: CMake Error: The source directory "C:/opencv" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
delete CMakeCahce.txt in CMake gui