How to save 1 xml file for 1 movement?
I am having difficulty in understanding how to save 1 xml file for a movement.
I have a folder of frames and I have performed the hog feature of each frame and save their corresponding xml files in a folder. Now, how to save the xml files into a single xml file, so as to represent one single movement??
well, when i asked you the last time, "do you want to save them into a single file ?", - you said no :\
sure, you can save it as a "list of hog features", but how would that "represent one single movement" ?
can you try to explain ?
@berak yes, but i wanted to perform the hog feature for each frame first :3 I have extracted all frames from a video playing football consisting of different movements...i need to find xml for each movement...and i have already computed the hog feature of a set of frames representing one movement..
ok, say you have an xml with N hogfeatures, representing a movement.. what are you planning to do, then ?
Then, i will use the xml file for to perform SVM classification @berak
rather think about, how to organize your data for the svm, than how to write yet another intermediate xml file (imho, this adds only complication here) . so, how do you want to do that ?
@berak I want to know how to save it as a list of hog feature in a single xml?
yea, and then you'll want to know, how to read a list of hog features....
and it's all wasted time.