VideoCapture from HTC Vive camera?
I'm trying to get frames from the HTC Vive front facing camera but I'm only getting seemingly gray frames out (though they are theoretically not empty).
My code looks like this:
int main() {
VideoCapture videoSource(0);
Size size{
namedWindow("input", WINDOW_NORMAL);
resizeWindow("input", size.width, size.height);
Mat frameIn;
auto p1 = videoSource.get(CAP_PROP_MODE);
auto p2 = videoSource.get(CAP_PROP_FORMAT);
auto p3 = videoSource.get(CAP_PROP_FPS);
unsigned f = (unsigned)videoSource.get(CV_CAP_PROP_FOURCC);
char fourcc[] = {
(char)(f >> 8),
(char)(f >> 16),
(char)(f >> 24),
cout << "\n\nCAPTURE DEVICE\n---------------"
<< "\nmode: " << p1
<< "\nformat: " << p2
<< "\nfps: " << p3
<< "\nFOURCC: " << string(fourcc)
<< "\nsize: " << size;
// One frame, to check info:
videoSource >> frameIn;
cout << "\n\nFRAME IN (MAT):\n--------------"
<< "\ntype: " << frameIn.type()
<< "\ndepth: " << frameIn.depth()
<< "\nsize: " << frameIn.size();
while (!frameIn.empty()) {
imshow("input", frameIn);
char key = waitKey(10);
if (key == 27) {
videoSource >> frameIn;
return 0;
And the output (other than a gray window) is:
mode: 0 format: 0 fps: 30.0003 FOURCC: YUY2 size: [612 x 460]
type: 16 depth: 0 size: [612 x 460]
I'm new to OpenCV so I might be missing something obvious. But from the above, it seems like the camera is being detected. The 4cc is yuy2 though, but it still returns 0 for mode and format.
When I check frameIn.empty()
is returns false, but as you can see, there doesn't seem to be anything in the mats.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I'll check what I'm doing when i get home. I know I can get frames, but I might be using the OpenVR api.