Build taking hours on Raspberry Pi 3
Hi there,
I'm following this guide. www dot pyimagesearch dot com/2016/04/18/install-guide-raspberry-pi-3-raspbian-jessie-opencv-3/
I am installing 3.2.0 with python3, instead of the 3.1.0 that he refers to, but the commands are the same in nature. When I reach the make -j4 part, where I'm building opencv on all 4 cores, it seems to be going far slower than it should. This article suggests it should take approximately an hour and twelve minutes to complete, however, after 2 hours, i'm still at 2%.
Has anyone else seen this recently? It's a fairly straightforward exercise, any idea what could cause this to occur? I'm happy to provide any information that you think may be missing here, I just don't exactly know what words to use to ask this particular question.
"This article suggests it should take approximately an hour and twelve minutes" ask to the author. With my raspberry less than 3 three hours to build .
Now I think that flash memory quality could influence result
list of changes can be found here. Opencv 3.1.0 = 4638 files (146584133 bytes) Opencv 3.2.0 = 4820 files (152319660 bytes)
Faulty or bad memory could be an issue indeed, tried switching SD cards?
Thank you for the suggestions! I've same-day'd a faster card from Amazon, I'll report back on the results.