Is it possible to build OpenCV 3.2.0 libraries using MinGW for a 32bit Windows?
The installer I downloaded from OpenCV's site had only a 'x64' folder. I use an i686 system. I want to build my libraries (don't know how) using GCC 6.2.0. If you could help me, it'd be cool of you. : D
mingw (esp. the 32bit version) might be a bad choice here, they gave up support for that quite a while ago.
on the other hand, it's just the same as in linux (minus all dependancies)
get cmake, and see, how far you get, then report back, i guess. good luck.
Here's the steps I followed... 1. Extracted the OpenCV files to "C:/". 2. Used CMake to configure and generate install files in another folder (named it "opencv-mingw"). 3. Went to that folder using CMD,used the "mingw32-make" and "mingw32-make install" commands.
The problem is that there are no libraries in "opencv-mingw/install/x86/lib" path except "opencv_world320.dll"
What do I do?
did it build an opencv_world320.a, too ?
there's a BUILD_opencv_world flag in cmake, if you wanted seperate libs instead.
using mingw64(MSYS2) and cmake without install all libs (.a) are lib and dll in bin
@berak So, does it mean that I can use OpenCV on my system?
if you have an opencv_world320.a -- yes, you're good to go.
just link against that (and put the opencv_world320.dll on the PATH, so it will be found at runtime)
I actually rage quit by deleting directory where I installed the files. So, right now, I'm rebuilding them. But I think I remember seeing a "opencv_world320.dll.a". So, in any of my further projects, Do I just link to that library, and that's it?
yes. it's like this: if you enabled BUILD_opencv_world in cmake, you'll get one big chunk (opencv_world320), if you disable it, it will build single, seperate libs (opencv_core320, opencv_imgproc320, etc.)
if you could write a small post, what actually worked for you, we'd have an answer here !