Capture Class & Axis Camera
I can connect to robot Axis cameras, but I can not set Capture class to get frames from these Camera devices ? or is there any other method to do that!
this.Video_Source1 = new AxAXISMEDIACONTROLLib.AxAxisMediaControl();
this.Video_Source2 = new AxAXISMEDIACONTROLLib.AxAxisMediaControl();
Video_Source1.MediaURL = CompleteURL("", "mjpeg");
Video_Source2.MediaURL = CompleteURL("", "mjpeg");
_Capture1 = new Capture(here is the problem);
_Capture2 = new Capture(here is the problem);
_Capture1.ImageGrabbed += ProcessFrame;
private void ProcessFrame(object sender, EventArgs arg)
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame_S1 = _Capture1.RetrieveBgrFrame();
Image<Bgr, Byte> frame_S2 = _Capture2.RetrieveBgrFrame();