what's the standard metric to evaluate a Tracking algorithm ?
Dear community
I had found in the literature many ways to evaluate a tracker versus the ground truth data, these metrics change from a scientist to another. I wonder what the standard metric to choose in testing algorithms, as the most one requested by journals?
as always glad for the help
If I were you, I would select the metrics used by one of the largest tracking benchmarks out there, the Visual Object Tracking Challenge. Take a look here.
btw: https://github.com/opencv/opencv_cont...
thank you @berak, i'm face this probleme to run the code C:\OpenCV2413\opencv\build>cmake -DOPENCV_EXTRA_MODULES_PATH=C:\OpenCV2413\opencv_contrib-master\modules C:\OpenCV2413\opencv\build CMake Error: The source directory "C:/OpenCV2413/opencv/build" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt. Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
i'm afraid, you cannot run this with 2.4, it needs 3.2 (latest master)
also, last arg to cmake is the main opencv folder, so:
(note the dots at the end)
i upgraded opencv to 3.2, than i run the above command
make a "build" folder again, cd there, and then it should work
Hello, Sir @berak after struggling with this cmake and nonexistent CMakeLists.txt in the main folder I finished by building it pfff, when I've tried to build and run this code, I faced this output issues https://s27.postimg.org/qrleova6b/Cap...
it somehow looks, like it did not find the proper
(it does build fine for me here, but i'm using mingw atm, so slightly different situation)
yes I build the install project and this what my project includes
win32:CONFIG(release, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../OpenCV32/opencv/build/install/x64/vc12/lib/ -lopencv_calib3d320 -lopencv_core320 -lopencv_features2d320 -lopencv_flann320 -lopencv_highgui320 -lopencv_imgcodecs320 -lopencv_imgproc320 -lopencv_ml320 -lopencv_objdetect320 -lopencv_photo320 -lopencv_plot320 -lopencv_shape320 -lopencv_stitching320 -lopencv_superres320 -lopencv_video320 -lopencv_videoio320 -lopencv_videostab320
else:win32:CONFIG(debug, debug|release): LIBS += -L$$PWD/../../../../../OpenCV32/opencv/build/install/x64/vc12/lib/ -lopencv_calib3d320d -lopencv_core320d -lopencv_features2d320d -lopencv_flann320d -lopencv_highgui320d -lopencv_imgcodecs320d -lopencv_imgproc320d -lopencv_ml320d -lopencv_objdetect320d -lopencv_photo320d -lopencv_plot320d -lopencv_shape320d -lopencv_stitching320d -lopencv_superres320d -lopencv_video320d -lopencv_videoio320d -lopencv_videostab320d