opencv VideoCapture property
Hi, Is there any API in opencv ( or any programmatic way ) to get the range of a particular property of VideoCapture class like exposure or brightness.
Hi, Is there any API in opencv ( or any programmatic way ) to get the range of a particular property of VideoCapture class like exposure or brightness.
The answer is NO, if you have asked about one universal way for the all kind of supported platforms and videobackends. BUT if you have saked for MS Windows than you can adjust exposure and brightness by means of this simple call:
cv::VideoCapture _capture;
if( {
// Lets's try to open DirectShow video device settings dialog
// Processing code
Most of case this is not possible. For some specfic API you should look for in this list
I solved this problem using set method. If value is true I call get to check if value is really set. but read note in get
That's not a direct way but it works
"camera is underdevelopment" you will have to write code...If you want to share your code make a pull request
About autofocus you can try this sample
Asked: 2016-12-28 06:26:43 -0600
Seen: 1,152 times
Last updated: Dec 28 '16
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