Use of CLAHE
I am familiar with the CLAHE algorithm and have found it very useful. I am very pleased that it has been added to OpenCV. Is there any API documentation available other than the include files? Examples of use?
I am familiar with the CLAHE algorithm and have found it very useful. I am very pleased that it has been added to OpenCV. Is there any API documentation available other than the include files? Examples of use?
Example of use:
Mat m= imread("lena.png",IMREAD_GRAYSCALE); //input image
Ptr<CLAHE> clahe = createCLAHE();
Mat dst;
clipLimit = 2
clipLimit = 4
More information about CLAHE:
Zuiderveld, K. (1994, August). Contrast limited adaptive histogram equalization. In Graphics gems IV (pp. 474-485). Academic Press Professional, Inc..
You can do it yourself ,this is my solution:
Mat claheGO(Mat src,int _step = 8)
Mat CLAHE_GO = src.clone();
int block = _step;//pblock
int width = src.cols;
int height= src.rows;
int width_block = width/block; //每个小格子的长和宽
int height_block = height/block;
int tmp2[8*8][256] ={0};
float C2[8*8][256] = {0.0};
int total = width_block * height_block;
for (int i=0;i<block;i++)
for (int j=0;j<block;j++)
int start_x = i*width_block;
int end_x = start_x + width_block;
int start_y = j*height_block;
int end_y = start_y + height_block;
int num = i+block*j;
for(int ii = start_x ; ii < end_x ; ii++)
for(int jj = start_y ; jj < end_y ; jj++)
int index<uchar>(jj,ii);
//这里的参数 对应《Gem》上面 fCliplimit = 4 , uiNrBins = 255
int average = width_block * height_block / 255;
int LIMIT = 40 * average;
int steal = 0;
for(int k = 0 ; k < 256 ; k++)
if(tmp2[num][k] > LIMIT){
steal += tmp2[num][k] - LIMIT;
tmp2[num][k] = LIMIT;
int bonus = steal/256;
//hand out the steals averagely
for(int k = 0 ; k < 256 ; k++)
tmp2[num][k] += bonus;
for(int k = 0 ; k < 256 ; k++)
if( k == 0)
C2[num][k] = 1.0f * tmp2[num][k] / total;
C2[num][k] = C2[num][k-1] + 1.0f * tmp2[num][k] / total;
for(int i = 0 ; i < width; i++)
for(int j = 0 ; j < height; j++)
//four coners
if(i <= width_block/2 && j <= height_block/2)
int num = 0;<uchar>(j,i) = (int)(C2[num][<uchar>(j,i)] * 255);
}else if(i <= width_block/2 && j >= ((block-1)*height_block + height_block/2)){
int num = block*(block-1);<uchar>(j,i) = (int)(C2[num][<uchar>(j,i)] * 255);
}else if(i >= ((block-1)*width_block+width_block/2) && j <= height_block/2){
int num = block-1;<uchar>(j,i) = (int)(C2[num][<uchar>(j,i)] * 255);
}else if(i >= ((block-1)*width_block+width_block/2) && j >= ((block-1)*height_block + height_block/2)){
int num = block*block-1;<uchar>(j,i) = (int)(C2[num][<uchar>(j,i)] * 255);
//four edges except coners
else if( i <= width_block/2 )
int num_i = 0;
int num_j = (j - height_block/2)/height_block;
int num1 = num_j*block + num_i;
int num2 = num1 + block;
float p = (j - (num_j*height_block+height_block/2))/(1.0f*height_block);
float q = 1-p;<uchar>(j,i) = (int)((q*C2[num1][<uchar>(j,i)]+ p*C2[num2][<uchar>(j,i)])* 255);
}else if( i >= ((block-1)*width_block+width_block/2)){
int num_i = block-1;
int num_j = (j - height_block/2)/height_block;
int num1 = num_j*block + num_i;
int num2 = num1 + block;
float p = (j - (num_j*height_block+height_block/2))/(1.0f*height_block);
float q = 1-p;<uchar>(j,i) = (int)((q*C2[num1][<uchar>(j,i)]+ p*C2[num2][<uchar>(j,i)])* 255);
}else if( j <= height_block/2 ){
int num_i = (i - width_block/2)/width_block;
int num_j = 0;
int num1 = num_j*block + num_i;
int num2 = num1 ...
(more)Asked: 2013-04-20 18:59:39 -0600
Seen: 50,896 times
Last updated: Dec 31 '17