How to generate normally distributed random numbers ?
Dear community,
I'm trying to write a code aims to generate pseudorandom scalar drawn from the standard normal distribution. I have implemented these random functions normal_distribution but I still not getting my expectations.
I need to get this resultat, no matter how it's long :
Would be great to get your help. I appreciate any suggestions Thank you in advance
I need them generated with a normal distribution with mean 1 and standard deviation 2 plz
I've wrote this what do you thing
You can use this method too :
rng.fill(dst, RNG::NORMAL,1,2)
@azdoud.y - so, you have an example, above. what exactly, does not suit your needs, here ?
with all recpect to @LBerger and @Tetragramm, when I used rng.fill(dst, RNG::NORMAL,1,2) i don't get what I want I got this
in rng.gaussian(sigma) I can't change the mean