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how I can fix this problem

asked 2013-04-20 00:32:02 -0600

unknow gravatar image

updated 2013-04-20 14:56:10 -0600

1>LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'opencv_features2d220d.obj'

I put on Project > 'Your Project Name' Properties... > Configuration Properties > Linker > Input > all the .lib files in the opencv library:

BUT I have this problem.

can someone can help me. pls..!!

I also have a question can I use the code I wrote in windows and used in linux

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Please change your title! How should anybody ever find this question?

Guanta gravatar imageGuanta ( 2013-04-20 05:15:00 -0600 )edit

2 answers

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answered 2013-04-24 10:05:00 -0600

It is clear that one of the following things is the reason for your error

  • Not set your OS path variable correctly to point to the openCV library folder.
  • Not set the correct libraries in linker options.
  • Used the wrong libraries compared to the OS type --> x32 or x64 bit. Also be sure to set right build destination system.

To answer your question. A main difference between windows and linux, is the way they store libraries. Windows uses dll's, where linux uses obj files. So your code can be reused on both systems, as long as you do not use OS specific commands, BUT you have to build it on each system seperately.

For example, an exe file built on windows, will not run in linux.

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answered 2013-04-24 09:43:00 -0600

zerog80 gravatar image

Did you check if you linked the correct version of OpenCV library? The file you indicated refers to the 2.2.0 version.

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Asked: 2013-04-20 00:32:02 -0600

Seen: 256 times

Last updated: Apr 24 '13

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