medianBlur doesn't work
I'm using opencv 2.3.1 and visual studio 2008.Trying to use medianBlur, but here is error - "medianBlur" identifier not found. Why? Was it realized after 2.3.1?
I'm using opencv 2.3.1 and visual studio 2008.Trying to use medianBlur, but here is error - "medianBlur" identifier not found. Why? Was it realized after 2.3.1?
did you
#include "include/opencv2/imgproc.hpp"
and no, it already existed before 2.3.1
//! smooths the image using median filter. CV_EXPORTS_W void medianBlur( InputArray src, OutputArray dst, int ksize ); But it doesn't work.
"medianBlur" identifier not found. i don't understand - maybe vs can use only imgproc_c.hpp? there is no anything abought medianBlur in imgproc_c.hpp. only in imgproc.hpp, but i included it, and medianBlur still not found. should i try to use imgproc_c from last version of opencv?
Asked: 2013-04-18 12:48:53 -0600
Seen: 1,011 times
Last updated: Apr 19 '13
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