How to read images from a camera buffer
My camera can not direct use cv::imread for read image.
Only have a buffer of uint32.
So how to convert the image to Mat.
My camera can not direct use cv::imread for read image.
Only have a buffer of uint32.
So how to convert the image to Mat.
Why you use cv::imread to read from the camera? There is cv::VideoCapture class for the camera control.
You can use a rtsp protocol, something like this: rtsp://admin:[email protected]/defaultPrimary?streamType=u
Check if your camera is OnVif compatible. Is just an example.
Asked: 2016-12-04 20:01:02 -0600
Seen: 600 times
Last updated: Dec 05 '16
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See if you can build with gstreamer or add codecs for your OS.