Problems with compiling program x86 using opencv on windows 7 x64 [closed]

asked 2013-04-10 20:43:35 -0600

updated 2013-04-11 05:54:50 -0600

A few months ago I wrote a code using opencv 2.4.3 and compiled it using mingw and codeblock smoothly on a windows 7 x86.

Now I had to reinstall my computer and I can not recompile the code. The only difference is that now my windows 7 is x64.

Steps I did:

  1. I installed mingw with codeblock in "C: \ Program Files (x86) \ CodeBlocks"
  2. I unzipped opencv in "C: \ Development \ opencv"
  3. In codeblock in "Compile settings", "Search Directory"
  4. In "Compile" put "C: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ include"
  5. In "Linker" put "C: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ x86 \ mingw \ lib"
  6. And in linker Settings put all the files C: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ x86 \ mingw \ lib \ * libopencv_calib3d. Dll.a

Already switched to x64 and also did not work.

In Path windows put

C: \ Program Files (x86) \ CodeBlocks \ MinGW \ bin and C: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ x86 \ mingw \ bin

When I switch to x64 can not compile. When I'm on x86 this is the compilation output:

mingw32-g. exe-Wall-fexceptions-O3-pg-IC: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ include-c C: \ Users \ Bernardo \ SkyDrive \ www \ Masters \ testing \ bow \ main-treinamento.cpp it obj \ Release \ main-treinamento.o
mingw32-g. exe-Wall-fexceptions-O3-pg-IC: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ include-c C: \ Users \ Bernardo \ SkyDrive \ www \ Masters \ testing \ bow \ svm.cpp-o obj \ Release \ svm.o
mingw32-g. exe-LC: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ x86 \ mingw \ lib-o-BoW Treinamento.exe obj \ Release \ main-treinamento.o obj \ Release \ svm.o-pg-lgmon C: \ Development \ opencv \ build \ x86 \ mingw \ lib \ libopencv_ * [note: all other files. dll.a]
Output size is 1019.04 KB
Process terminated with status 0 (0 minutes, 7 seconds)
0 errors, 0 warnings (0 minutes, 7 seconds)

Error it produces:

"Unable to locate the procedure entry point __ gxx_personality_v0 in the dynamic link library libstdc-6.dll"

SOLUTION: Resolved. I removed the mingw that comes installed with codeblock and installed mingw myself.

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Closed for the following reason the question is answered, right answer was accepted by Kirill Kornyakov
close date 2013-04-12 15:19:56.784955



Resolved. I removed the mingw that comes installed with codeblock and installed mingw.

Bernardo gravatar imageBernardo ( 2013-04-10 23:07:45 -0600 )edit