OpenCV stitching - Bundle Ray Adjuster adjusts total rotation to > 360º when it shouldn't

asked 2016-10-11 05:52:14 -0600

skm gravatar image

Hi OpenCV community!

I am building an Android app that lets the user take panorama photos horizontally up to 360 degrees. I am currently using a version of the detailed example at:

Since I can use the smartphone's sensors to get the camera parameters, I dont need homography estimation, I simply create the rotation matrix from those parameters. The problem I am having is that these parameters are subject to slight drift and other effects. I want to optimise those parameters using Bundle Adjuster Ray-based available with OpenCV. The problem is that when I do that, it increases the rotation angles a lot, and if the sum of those rotations are >= 360 degrees (when it should not be) the end result has overlapping areas where it shouldnt.

I am wondering if this is an issue with the translation that the user does while capturing and what I can do to solve it. Has anyone ever faced these problems or has any input that can put me in the right direction? Any help would be highly appreciated!

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