Building for android from cygwin
I am trying to build OpenCV for android as a static library. I went through and saw that it mentions cygwin's make is not supported and i can use gnu make from ndk.
I have android-ndk-r11c, does this still hold true? should i be able to just do ln -s ndk_makepath.exe /bin/make.exe
and make it work?
Also does someone know what the problem with cygwin make is?
why would you need cygwin at all for this ?
(imho, it is more a warning, that if you have cygwin tools on the PATH, some flaw in their make utility will cause problems)
Because I already use cygwin and dont want to change that? not just for OpenCV. I rely on lot of other libraries and have a proper setup with cygwin.
k,k. still, i'd try to remove it from PATH for the time building the android sdk.
(also, idk, if ndk_makepath.exe is actually the same as make)