OpenCV Android absdiff not working
I want to create a motion detector in a OpenCV Android app.
First I accumulate the background with this class:
private Mat mRgba;
private Mat mGray;
private Mat mBackground;
private Mat mDifference;
public Mat accumulateImageBG(Mat img, int type){
if (accuImg==null){//code snipit from berak's answer
accuImg = Mat.zeros(img.size(), type);
if (mDifference==null){//code snipit from berak's answer
mDifference = Mat.zeros(img.size(), CvType.CV_8UC1);
img.convertTo(img, type);
Imgproc.accumulateWeighted(img, accuImg, 0.1);
Core.convertScaleAbs(accuImg, img);
return img;
And then I want to calculate the difference between the background and the camera frame. I tried this code:
public Mat onCameraFrame(CvCameraViewFrame inputFrame) {
mRgba = inputFrame.rgba();//in:CV_8UC4 out:CV_32FC4
mGray = inputFrame.gray();//in:CV_8UC1 out:CV_32F
//be sure to specify conversion type with matching # of channels as input image!
mBackground = accumulateImageBG(mGray, CvType.CV_32F);
// Subtract the work image frame from the scaled image average
Core.absdiff(mBackground, mGray, mDifference);
return mDifference;
But it's always returning a blank frame. I think there is a problem with my absdiff code. Does anybody know if I did something wrong? I already tested with 3.1.0, 3.0.0 and 2.4.11 versions.
Any tip will be very helpful,
what is mGray ? how do you initialize it ?
@berak Sorry, I copied the wrong code. It's already edited.
Core.convertScaleAbs(accuImg, img);
<-- this looks wrong. accuImg has to stay float type , else the conversion will round it to zero any have to change something in your flow there. i guess, you have to convert mBackground, not accuImg
@berak Did this function changes accuImg type? I thought it would dump the result to img.
I have exactly the same problem. Although I simply subtract (absdiff) the current image from the previous image. The destination simply seems to be untouched. If set to zeros its remains as zeros. If it contains an image the image remains unchanged. Also using the same version 3.1.0