Color License Plate Recognizing ? [closed]
How can I use OpenCV to detect the color of the license plate? I was confused in some case.
- White LP -> Blue:
- White LP -> Red:
How can I use OpenCV to detect the color of the license plate? I was confused in some case.
Asked: 2016-08-29 23:47:25 -0600
Seen: 679 times
Last updated: Aug 30 '16
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Your question is not really clear. Are those license plates under different lighting conditions and do you want to define it as white in both cases? Or do you want to return blue and red as the color? How did you get those images. Please provide more information.
That are white plates and in my application, they were confused in the blue and red plate. How can I use OpenCV to overcome this problem? Thanks.
YES. I want to define it as white in both cases.
It's vehicle image I captured from hardware. I processed and got the license plate, but in different weather condition, I got the different image.
Provide the code you used to retrieve the license plates, combined with the original captured images. My first guess, to get such a coloring only due to wether conditions is impossible. Guess you have some faulty processing somewhere, like switching color channels or so...
I updated original captured images.
Okay first one I can get, but the second one? How did you get these lightning conditions?
Sorry, I am not allowed to publish the source code out. If I know the color of character contour is dark or light then I get success.
I need an algorithm to detect the color of character contour and I think OpenCV can help me overcome that. Thanks.
I am sorry, but on a forum of an open source package, trying to get help without sharing the part that triggers the issue is about the biggest no go you can have ... I will not be wildly guessing for issues :P