OpenCV superpixels - How to reorganize data into a 2D array ?
EDIT: No one has any idea ????
I am working on a school project on image segmentation and object recognition and am trying out conditional / markov random fields on superpixels. getLabels() returns a Mat where pixels belonging to the same superpixels are assigned the same integer for eg. from 0 to 1000. So I now have a 1D vector where each vector contains the mean coordinate of each superpixel.
However, since the structure of CRFs/MRFs in image processing are in a "2D" layout, Id like to reorganize the superpixels into a 2D array where neighbouring contents signify adjacent superpixels but am having a lot of problems doing so even if I have the mean of the xy coordinates of each superpixel.
I was hoping someone would have a suggestion on how I can achieve this.
" even if I have the mean of the xy coordinates of each superpixel." - just curious, how did you get there ?
Hi thanks! GetLabels() returns a matrix with the width and height equal to the input image. The contents of the matrix denote the superpixel ID. So to get the mean of superpixel 13 I run a for loop through the entire image to scan for the number 13 and accumulate the coordinates in a vector. Then I just average it to get the center of superpixel 13
Im using SLIC superpixels so I guess I can make the assumption that the superpixels can be at most 8 connected to make my life easier. However, if anyone has any suggestion for an arbitrary number of connections it would be great :(
this might be a pathologic example, but i don't think, your 8 connectivity assumption holds true:
( btw, using this code )
Yeah but it still doesnt tell me the neighbours of the superpixels. And just to correct my prev comment, I think it would be better to form an adjacency matrix so the superpixel can have an arbitrary number of neighbours
I think I found a simple solution from an assignment of CMU. It says to just scan the labeled image along rows and columns and look for transitions
Sorry forgot to mention its question 6.1 part 2
"scan the labeled image along rows and columns and look for transitions" -- isn't this done in the border mask already ?