Face detection using OpenCV with Java
I am trying to use OpenCV 3.1.0 in a java based face detection program. I am using OpenCV for first time and I have followed this.
Program works but its far from accurate. I have used both lbpcascade_frontalface.xml and haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml. So I want to improve the program, but I have no idea how to go ahead about it. How OpenCV works, face detection in particular, is totally a black box to me.
Please tell me how should I go ahead to make program more accurate...ant links,resource,tutorials would help.
I read about training classifiers. Is it a solution?
Edit: For eg., following is the results I got:
With regards Manish
"inaccurate" means what, exactly ? there are a few parameters to tune.
Sorry for incomplete data. I have edited my post.