load the existing svm with python
How can I load the existing svm in opencv3 by python?
How can I load the existing svm in opencv3 by python?
if that is opencv3.1 (it won't work with 3.0), you should have a SVM_load() function, which creates a new SVM from a pretrained model like this:
svm = cv2.ml.SVM_load("mymodel.xml")
you can check in the repl:
>>> help(cv2.ml.SVM_load)
Help on built-in function SVM_load:
SVM_load(filepath) -> retval
I just downloaded and installed the latest opencv-master repo. But I still can't find that function
Asked: 2016-08-16 22:45:16 -0600
Seen: 2,445 times
Last updated: Sep 02 '16
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