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OpenCV with CUDA support Problem

asked 2016-08-15 01:41:25 -0600

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The system I use is Windows 8 with Nvidia Geforce GT 640M LE. The version of Visual Studio is 2013, Opencv is 2.4.9, and the Cuda's version is 6.5. I followed this tutorial : I did all steps like he did, but i dont get an error in debug mode (I ignored), and Cmake gave me some warnings like -Target "..." links to itself or -CMAke Warning (dev) at ...: Policy CMP0038 is not set:... So I went on and included the install folder in my Visual Project. But there was an error that Visual told me no CUDA support. So I dont know why. I did all Steps in the Tutorial.

Please help me.

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answered 2016-08-16 07:21:33 -0600

Oh lord, Opencv is 2.4.9. Could you please update that one first to at least 2.4.13? Also please follow official tutorials, and not external ones, which are found here for OpenCV3.x and here for OpenCV 2.x.

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Asked: 2016-08-15 01:37:22 -0600

Seen: 172 times

Last updated: Aug 15 '16