Real-time video stitching from initial stitching computation
I have two fixed identical synchronized camera streams at 90 degrees of each other. I would like to stitch in real-time those two streams into a single stream.
After getting the first frames on each side, I perform a full OpenCV stitching and I'm very satisfied of the result.
Stitcher stitcher = Stitcher::createDefault(false);
stitcher.stitch(imgs, pano);
I would like to continue the stitching on the video stream by reapplying the same parameters and avoid recalculation (especially of the homography and so on...)
How can I get maximum data from the stitcher class from the initial computation such as: - the homography and the rotation matrix applied to each side - the zone in each frame that will be blended
I'm OK to keep the same settings and apply them for the stream as real-time performance is more important than precision of the stitching. When I say "apply them", I mean I want to apply the same transformation and blending either in OpenCV or with a direct GPU implementation.
The cameras don't move, have the same exposure settings, the frames are synchronized so keeping the same transformation/blending should provide a decent result.
Question: how to get all data from stitching for an optimized real-time stitcher?
I have found the class detail::CameraParams here:
I can then get the camera matrixes of each image.
Now, how can I get all info about the blending zone between two images?
@gregoireg could you share your final code/result?