OpenCV print descriptor value
I'm writing a C++ program that should store in a MySQL DB the image descriptors value. I'm using ORB and as far as I know, I should have an 128 bit long value. When I run the following code
for (int p = 0; p < 500; p++){
if (p == 499){
cerr << "linia i coloana 0" << descriptors_2.row(p).col(0) << endl;
cerr << "linia i coloana 0" << descriptors_2.col(0).row(p) << endl;
cerr << (float)<float>(p, 0);
float test =<float>(p, 0);
cerr << "p,0" << test << endl;
I get the result shown in the picture.
I'm wondering if the hexa value is the one that I should store or is there something that I am doing wrong. Please help me find the problem.
ORB gives 256 bit value which is of 32 Bytes but not 128 bits
yes, that's correct. why did you expect 128 bits ?