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That is the code I followed. I am unable to find out where the blobID is created if at all. I believe below is the code in which a new Blob is created

void addNewBlob(Blob &currentFrameBlob, std::vector<Blob> &existingBlobs) 

    currentFrameBlob.blnCurrentMatchFoundOrNewBlob = true;

in the with the blow function he checks if the line has been crossed. I would like to have the ID of each car as it passes the line

bool checkIfBlobsCrossedTheLine(std::vector<Blob> &blobs, int &intHorizontalLinePosition, int &carCount, VideoCapture& cap)

I am intrested in determining the speed of only the vehicles that have crossed the line. for that i am using a separate piece of code and would like to match a blobID to a carID