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There's no analog for pointsToWorld as I know. You can find x and y (z is equal zero in such case) like this:

  1. apply cv::undistortPoints to your pixel coordintes (let's u and v) and get ideal coordinates (un and vn)
  2. solve system of linear equations:

    w * [un vn 1] = Rt * [x y 0 1]

that gets you

r11 * x + r12 * y - w * un = -t1;
r21 * x + r22 * y - w * vn = -t2;
r31 * x + r32 * y - w = -t3;

Here x and y are coordinates in chessboard plane, w is distant to point from camera, rij are components of rotation matrix and ti are components of translation vector.