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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version
  •<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity; <-- i,j , not j, (you're probably out of bounds this way)
  • please use the c++ headers: #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)
  • in general, - try to avoid per-pixel loops.
  •<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity; <-- i,j , not j, j,i (you're probably out of bounds this way)
  • please use the c++ headers: #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)
  • in general, - try to avoid per-pixel loops.
  •<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity; <-- i,j , not j,i (you're probably out of bounds this way)
  • please use the c++ headers: #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)
  • in general, - try to avoid per-pixel loops.
  • [edit] pixel order is BGR in opencv, not RGB
  •<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity; <-- i,j , not j,i (you're probably out of bounds this way)
  • please use the c++ headers: #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp> not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)
  • in general, - try to avoid per-pixel loops.
  • [edit] pixel order is BGR in opencv, not RGB


imho, you have to do this in float space, not in 8u. while i'm at it, one could get rid of the loops, too.

void filter2 (const Mat &image, Mat &out)
    // convert and split
    Mat imgf;
    image.convertTo(imgf, CV_32F, 1.0/255.0);
    Mat chn[3];
    split(imgf, chn);
    // (R-G)^2
    Mat rg = chn[2] - chn[1];
    // (R-B)^2
    Mat rb = chn[2] - chn[0];
    // (G-B)^2
    Mat gb = chn[1] - chn[0];
    // divide by sum
    Mat sm = (rg + rb + gb);
    divide(rg, sm, rg);
    divide(rb, sm, rb);
    divide(gb, sm, gb);
    // merge and concvert
    Mat ch2[] = {rg, rb, gb};
    merge(ch2, 3, imgf);
    imgf.convertTo(out, CV_8U, 255.0);

int main(int agra, char** argv){
    String fn="phase1.png";
    if (agra>1) fn = argv[1];
    Mat image = imread(fn);
    if (image.empty())
        cerr << "U$)TZ(T§$TI§H";
        return 1;
    Mat result;
    filter2(image, result);
    imshow("org", image);
    imshow("res", result);
    return 0;