1 | initial version |
image.at<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity;
<-- i,j , not j, (you're probably out of bounds this way)#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)2 | No.2 Revision |
image.at<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity;
<-- i,j , not #include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)3 | No.3 Revision |
image.at<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity;
<-- i,j , not j,i (you're probably out of bounds this way)#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)4 | No.4 Revision |
image.at<Vec3b>(j,i)= intensity;
<-- i,j , not j,i (you're probably out of bounds this way)#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>
not the deprecated c ones(cv.h, highgui.h)[edit]
imho, you have to do this in float space, not in 8u. while i'm at it, one could get rid of the loops, too.
void filter2 (const Mat &image, Mat &out)
// convert and split
Mat imgf;
image.convertTo(imgf, CV_32F, 1.0/255.0);
Mat chn[3];
split(imgf, chn);
// (R-G)^2
Mat rg = chn[2] - chn[1];
// (R-B)^2
Mat rb = chn[2] - chn[0];
// (G-B)^2
Mat gb = chn[1] - chn[0];
// divide by sum
Mat sm = (rg + rb + gb);
divide(rg, sm, rg);
divide(rb, sm, rb);
divide(gb, sm, gb);
// merge and concvert
Mat ch2[] = {rg, rb, gb};
merge(ch2, 3, imgf);
imgf.convertTo(out, CV_8U, 255.0);
int main(int agra, char** argv){
String fn="phase1.png";
if (agra>1) fn = argv[1];
Mat image = imread(fn);
if (image.empty())
cerr << "U$)TZ(T§$TI§H";
return 1;
Mat result;
filter2(image, result);
imshow("org", image);
imshow("res", result);
return 0;