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found 2 bugs here:

  1. <float> that should be double here, right ?
  2. a construct like this: Mat dft_input_vector(pdf_vector); makes a n-row, 1-column matrix, not a 1 row matrix, so your dft output has the same layout. you got rows(n) and cols(1) wrong in your loops

found 2 bugs here:

  1. <float> that should be double here, right ?
  2. a construct like this: Mat dft_input_vector(pdf_vector); makes a n-row, 1-column matrix, not a 1 row matrix, so your dft output has the same layout. you got rows(n) and cols(1) wrong in your loops

btw, nothing to do with dct here(that's even misleading), it's a plain how-to-access-a-matrix problem