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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

do not try to include the private headers, rather "steal" some stuff.

add some public includes, and the BlockRange class, like this:

#include "opencv2/features2d.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc.hpp"

#include <algorithm>
#include <limits>

using namespace cv;

namespace cv {
    class BlockedRange
        BlockedRange() : _begin(0), _end(0), _grainsize(0) {}
        BlockedRange(int b, int e, int g=1) : _begin(b), _end(e), _grainsize(g) {}
        int begin() const { return _begin; }
        int end() const { return _end; }
        int grainsize() const { return _grainsize; }

        int _begin, _end, _grainsize;

    template<typename Body> static inline
    void parallel_for( const BlockedRange& range, const Body& body )
    typedef std::vector<Rect> ConcurrentRectVector;

    class Split {};

    template<typename Body> static inline
    void parallel_reduce( const BlockedRange& range, Body& body )
} //namespace cv

// anything below goes unchanged.
template<typename _Tp> static int solveQuadratic(_Tp a, _Tp b, _Tp c, _Tp& x1, _Tp& x2)