![]() | 1 | initial version |
first i would like to thank @sturkmen and waiting him to explain his idea for OMR , and i would like to see other ideas from other Guru memebers
now I would like to share with you another idea for solving OMR , i will use matTemplate to solve the problem the proposed idea works as follow:
Here is the code to do the task
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main( int, char** argv )
//Start OMR application
//1-open the image under test as gray scale
Mat greyMat = imread("C:\\temp\\14639435664447751.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
//2-convert image from gray scale to black and white using adaptive thresholding
Mat blackAndWhiteMat;
adaptiveThreshold( greyMat, blackAndWhiteMat , 255,CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV,13, 1 );
//3-detect the skew angle using HoughTrnasform
double dAngle = 0.;
Size size = blackAndWhiteMat.size();
vector<Vec4i> lines;
HoughLinesP(blackAndWhiteMat, lines, 1, CV_PI/180, 100, size.width / 2.f, 20);
double ftan = 0.;
double angle = 0.;
unsigned nb_lines = lines.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nb_lines; ++i)
ftan = (double)(lines[i][3] - lines[i][1]) / (double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]) ;
angle += atan(ftan);
angle /= nb_lines; // mean angle, in radians.
// convert angle from radians to degree
dAngle = angle * 180 / CV_PI ;
//4-Rotate the image to correct the skew angle
Mat DeskewedMat,DeskewedMatOrg;
bool bKeepOldSize = false;//if true we will use the old image size, false calcualte the new image size
Size ImgSize = size;
Point2f pt(blackAndWhiteMat.cols/2., blackAndWhiteMat.rows/2.);
Mat r = getRotationMatrix2D(pt, dAngle, 1.0);
//Calculate the new image size if required
cv::Rect bbox = cv::RotatedRect(pt,blackAndWhiteMat.size(), dAngle).boundingRect();
if(bKeepOldSize == false)
// adjust transformation matrix and destination matrix
r.at<double>(0,2) += bbox.width/2.0 - pt.x;
r.at<double>(1,2) += bbox.height/2.0 - pt.y;
ImgSize = bbox.size();
warpAffine(blackAndWhiteMat, DeskewedMat, r, ImgSize,INTER_LANCZOS4,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(255));
//original rotated image
warpAffine(greyMat, DeskewedMatOrg, r, ImgSize,INTER_LANCZOS4,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(255));
//5-Now find the exam questions header and the answer using template matching
Mat resultMat;//final matrix which will be used to show the selected answers
Mat TemplMat = imread("C:\\temp\\Questions Header Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
Mat AnswersTemplMat = imread("C:\\temp\\Answers Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
int res_width,res_height,nWidth,nTWidth,nHight,nTHight;
Rect HeaderRect,AnswerRect;
double minval, maxval;
Point minloc, maxloc;
nWidth = DeskewedMat.cols;
nTWidth = TemplMat.cols;
nHight = DeskewedMat.rows;
nTHight = TemplMat.rows;
res_width = nWidth - nTWidth + 1;
res_height = nHight - nTHight + 1;
Mat res = Mat(res_height,res_width,CV_32FC1);
minMaxLoc( res, &minval, &maxval, &minloc, &maxloc, Mat() );
HeaderRect.x = maxloc.x;
HeaderRect.y = maxloc.y;
HeaderRect.width = nTWidth;
HeaderRect.height = nTHight;
AnswerRect.x = HeaderRect.x;
AnswerRect.y = HeaderRect.y + HeaderRect.height ;
AnswerRect.width = HeaderRect.width;
AnswerRect.height = AnswersTemplMat.rows;
//6-Now start to collect the answers from the exam sheet
int iQuestionsNum = 20;//you have 20 question in the paper
int iAnswersNum = 4;//you have 4 answers in every question
double iQuestionWidth = (double)AnswerRect.width / iQuestionsNum;
double iQuestionHeight = iQuestionWidth +1;
int iCheckedAnswersNum = 0;
int i = 0,j=0;
bool bIsAChecked,bIsBChecked,bIsCChecked,bIsDChecked;
Mat AnswerTmpl[4];
AnswerTmpl[0] = imread("C:\\temp\\A Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
AnswerTmpl[1] = imread("C:\\temp\\B Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
AnswerTmpl[2] = imread("C:\\temp\\C Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
AnswerTmpl[3] = imread("C:\\temp\\D Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
string Answer[4];
Answer[0] = "A"; Answer[1] = "B"; Answer[2] = "C"; Answer[3] = "D"; Mat OneAnswerMat;
Rect OneAnswerRect;
for (i = 0 ; i< iQuestionsNum ; i++)
bIsAChecked=bIsBChecked=bIsCChecked=bIsDChecked = false;
iCheckedAnswersNum = 0;
for (j=0;j< iAnswersNum; j++)
OneAnswerRect.x = AnswerRect.x + i * iQuestionWidth - 2;
if(OneAnswerRect.x < 0 )
OneAnswerRect.x = 0;
OneAnswerRect.width = iQuestionWidth + 10;
if((OneAnswerRect.x + OneAnswerRect.width) > DeskewedMat.cols )
OneAnswerRect.width = OneAnswerRect.width - 10 ;
OneAnswerRect.y = AnswerRect.y + j * iQuestionHeight - 2;
if(OneAnswerRect.y < 0 )
OneAnswerRect.height = iQuestionHeight + 10;
if((OneAnswerRect.y + OneAnswerRect.height) > DeskewedMat.rows)
OneAnswerRect.height = OneAnswerRect.height - 10;
OneAnswerMat = DeskewedMat(OneAnswerRect);
//Check if A,B,C,D is Checked
res_width = OneAnswerMat.cols - AnswerTmpl[j].cols + 1;
res_height = OneAnswerMat.rows - AnswerTmpl[j].rows + 1;
res = Mat(res_height,res_width,CV_32FC1);
minMaxLoc( res, &minval, &maxval, &minloc, &maxloc, Mat() );
if (maxval < 0.7)//the matching with empty template is low so the choice is checked
bIsAChecked = true ;
//Draw the selected answer
putText(resultMat , Answer[j] , Point(OneAnswerRect.x+AnswerRect.x+5,OneAnswerRect.y+HeaderRect.y+5),FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,2,Scalar(0,0,255),2);
//now mark the empty answers
if(iCheckedAnswersNum == 0) // there is no checked answers
OneAnswerRect.x = AnswerRect.x + i * iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.width = iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.y = AnswerRect.y ;
OneAnswerRect.height = AnswerRect.height;
if(iCheckedAnswersNum > 1) // there is multiple checked answers
OneAnswerRect.x = AnswerRect.x + i * iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.width = iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.y = AnswerRect.y ;
OneAnswerRect.height = AnswerRect.height;
/// end OMR
return 0;
Now lets explain what is going on step by step
1-open the the image as grey scale image
Mat greyMat = imread("C:\\temp\\14639435664447751.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
2-Convert image from gray scale to BW , i used adaptive threshold because light in the image is changing from area to area , i had tested some other methodologies to binarization the best result obtained by using sauvola but the code is too much , i used the following function to binarize the image
adaptiveThreshold( greyMat, blackAndWhiteMat , 255,CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV,13, 1 );
and here it the result image
3-detect the skew angles , for simplicity i used hough transform , you can use any other method such as rotated bound rect for the bigest contour , or you can use CC or PCA , and here it's the used function
HoughLinesP(blackAndWhiteMat, lines, 1, CV_PI/180, 100, size.width / 2.f, 20);
take the average of the resulted angle of all lines
4-Correct the skew by using the following
warpAffine(blackAndWhiteMat, DeskewedMat, r, ImgSize,INTER_LANCZOS4,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(255));
the corrected skew image will be as the following imag
5- we now need to find the questions and answers area , i will use matchTemplet to do that, the first step i would to have the fixed in the sheet , so i selected the following area in the image to be as a template image
the return from match template is the rectangle which have the selected area , we will use the returned rectangle as arefrense to get the coordinates of all required parts in the image .
6-Now i will use matchtemplate again to decide the answer is checked or not , as follow , prepare empty patterns for choises A,B,C,D as the following images
Now we can calculate the coordinate of every single question and every single answer , example for question number 20 i will check the chooise D is selected or not as follow i will use the confidence returned from matchtemplate between the following calculated area in the image and the previuse prepared tempate D
the confidence here is very high because the images are nearly similar , if the confince is low that mean the answer is checked , we will calculate all answers for every question and the result will be as the following image
and here it is another example
![]() | 2 | No.2 Revision |
first i would like to thank @sturkmen and waiting him to explain his idea for OMR , and i would like to see other ideas from other Guru memebers
now I would like to share with you another idea for solving OMR , i will use matTemplate to solve the problem the proposed idea works as follow:
Here is the code to do the task
#include "opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp"
#include "opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp"
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
int main( int, char** argv )
//Start OMR application
//1-open the image under test as gray scale
Mat greyMat = imread("C:\\temp\\14639435664447751.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
//2-convert image from gray scale to black and white using adaptive thresholding
Mat blackAndWhiteMat;
adaptiveThreshold( greyMat, blackAndWhiteMat , 255,CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV,13, 1 );
//3-detect the skew angle using HoughTrnasform
double dAngle = 0.;
Size size = blackAndWhiteMat.size();
vector<Vec4i> lines;
HoughLinesP(blackAndWhiteMat, lines, 1, CV_PI/180, 100, size.width / 2.f, 20);
double ftan = 0.;
double angle = 0.;
unsigned nb_lines = lines.size();
for (unsigned i = 0; i < nb_lines; ++i)
ftan = (double)(lines[i][3] - lines[i][1]) / (double)(lines[i][2] - lines[i][0]) ;
angle += atan(ftan);
angle /= nb_lines; // mean angle, in radians.
// convert angle from radians to degree
dAngle = angle * 180 / CV_PI ;
//4-Rotate the image to correct the skew angle
Mat DeskewedMat,DeskewedMatOrg;
bool bKeepOldSize = false;//if true we will use the old image size, false calcualte the new image size
Size ImgSize = size;
Point2f pt(blackAndWhiteMat.cols/2., blackAndWhiteMat.rows/2.);
Mat r = getRotationMatrix2D(pt, dAngle, 1.0);
//Calculate the new image size if required
cv::Rect bbox = cv::RotatedRect(pt,blackAndWhiteMat.size(), dAngle).boundingRect();
if(bKeepOldSize == false)
// adjust transformation matrix and destination matrix
r.at<double>(0,2) += bbox.width/2.0 - pt.x;
r.at<double>(1,2) += bbox.height/2.0 - pt.y;
ImgSize = bbox.size();
warpAffine(blackAndWhiteMat, DeskewedMat, r, ImgSize,INTER_LANCZOS4,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(255));
//original rotated image
warpAffine(greyMat, DeskewedMatOrg, r, ImgSize,INTER_LANCZOS4,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(255));
//5-Now find the exam questions header and the answer using template matching
Mat resultMat;//final matrix which will be used to show the selected answers
Mat TemplMat = imread("C:\\temp\\Questions Header Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
Mat AnswersTemplMat = imread("C:\\temp\\Answers Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
int res_width,res_height,nWidth,nTWidth,nHight,nTHight;
Rect HeaderRect,AnswerRect;
double minval, maxval;
Point minloc, maxloc;
nWidth = DeskewedMat.cols;
nTWidth = TemplMat.cols;
nHight = DeskewedMat.rows;
nTHight = TemplMat.rows;
res_width = nWidth - nTWidth + 1;
res_height = nHight - nTHight + 1;
Mat res = Mat(res_height,res_width,CV_32FC1);
minMaxLoc( res, &minval, &maxval, &minloc, &maxloc, Mat() );
HeaderRect.x = maxloc.x;
HeaderRect.y = maxloc.y;
HeaderRect.width = nTWidth;
HeaderRect.height = nTHight;
AnswerRect.x = HeaderRect.x;
AnswerRect.y = HeaderRect.y + HeaderRect.height ;
AnswerRect.width = HeaderRect.width;
AnswerRect.height = AnswersTemplMat.rows;
//6-Now start to collect the answers from the exam sheet
int iQuestionsNum = 20;//you have 20 question in the paper
int iAnswersNum = 4;//you have 4 answers in every question
double iQuestionWidth = (double)AnswerRect.width / iQuestionsNum;
double iQuestionHeight = iQuestionWidth +1;
int iCheckedAnswersNum = 0;
int i = 0,j=0;
bool bIsAChecked,bIsBChecked,bIsCChecked,bIsDChecked;
Mat AnswerTmpl[4];
AnswerTmpl[0] = imread("C:\\temp\\A Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
AnswerTmpl[1] = imread("C:\\temp\\B Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
AnswerTmpl[2] = imread("C:\\temp\\C Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
AnswerTmpl[3] = imread("C:\\temp\\D Empty Template.png",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
string Answer[4];
Answer[0] = "A"; Answer[1] = "B"; Answer[2] = "C"; Answer[3] = "D"; Mat OneAnswerMat;
Rect OneAnswerRect;
for (i = 0 ; i< iQuestionsNum ; i++)
bIsAChecked=bIsBChecked=bIsCChecked=bIsDChecked = false;
iCheckedAnswersNum = 0;
for (j=0;j< iAnswersNum; j++)
OneAnswerRect.x = AnswerRect.x + i * iQuestionWidth - 2;
if(OneAnswerRect.x < 0 )
OneAnswerRect.x = 0;
OneAnswerRect.width = iQuestionWidth + 10;
if((OneAnswerRect.x + OneAnswerRect.width) > DeskewedMat.cols )
OneAnswerRect.width = OneAnswerRect.width - 10 ;
OneAnswerRect.y = AnswerRect.y + j * iQuestionHeight - 2;
if(OneAnswerRect.y < 0 )
OneAnswerRect.height = iQuestionHeight + 10;
if((OneAnswerRect.y + OneAnswerRect.height) > DeskewedMat.rows)
OneAnswerRect.height = OneAnswerRect.height - 10;
OneAnswerMat = DeskewedMat(OneAnswerRect);
//Check if A,B,C,D is Checked
res_width = OneAnswerMat.cols - AnswerTmpl[j].cols + 1;
res_height = OneAnswerMat.rows - AnswerTmpl[j].rows + 1;
res = Mat(res_height,res_width,CV_32FC1);
minMaxLoc( res, &minval, &maxval, &minloc, &maxloc, Mat() );
if (maxval < 0.7)//the matching with empty template is low so the choice is checked
bIsAChecked = true ;
//Draw the selected answer
putText(resultMat , Answer[j] , Point(OneAnswerRect.x+AnswerRect.x+5,OneAnswerRect.y+HeaderRect.y+5),FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN,2,Scalar(0,0,255),2);
//now mark the empty answers
if(iCheckedAnswersNum == 0) // there is no checked answers
OneAnswerRect.x = AnswerRect.x + i * iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.width = iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.y = AnswerRect.y ;
OneAnswerRect.height = AnswerRect.height;
if(iCheckedAnswersNum > 1) // there is multiple checked answers
OneAnswerRect.x = AnswerRect.x + i * iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.width = iQuestionWidth;
OneAnswerRect.y = AnswerRect.y ;
OneAnswerRect.height = AnswerRect.height;
/// end OMR
return 0;
Now lets explain what is going on step by step
1-open the the image as grey scale image
Mat greyMat = imread("C:\\temp\\14639435664447751.jpg",CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE);
2-Convert image from gray scale to BW , i used adaptive threshold because light in the image is changing from area to area , i had tested some other methodologies to binarization the best result obtained by using sauvola but the code is too much , i used the following function to binarize the image
adaptiveThreshold( greyMat, blackAndWhiteMat , 255,CV_ADAPTIVE_THRESH_MEAN_C,CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV,13, 1 );
and here it the result image
3-detect the skew angles , for simplicity i used hough transform , you can use any other method such as rotated bound rect for the bigest contour , or you can use CC or PCA , and here it's the used function
HoughLinesP(blackAndWhiteMat, lines, 1, CV_PI/180, 100, size.width / 2.f, 20);
take the average of the resulted angle of all lines
4-Correct the skew by using the following
warpAffine(blackAndWhiteMat, DeskewedMat, r, ImgSize,INTER_LANCZOS4,BORDER_CONSTANT,Scalar(255));
the corrected skew image will be as the following imag
5- we now need to find the questions and answers area , i will use matchTemplet to do that, the first step i would to have the fixed in the sheet , so i selected the following area in the image to be as a template image
the return from match template is the rectangle which have the selected area , we will use the returned rectangle as arefrense to get the coordinates of all required parts in the image .
6-Now i will use matchtemplate again to decide the answer is checked or not , as follow , prepare empty patterns for choises A,B,C,D as the following images
Now we can calculate the coordinate of every single question and every single answer , example for question number 20 i will check the chooise D is selected or not as follow i will use the confidence returned from matchtemplate between the following calculated area in the image and the previuse prepared tempate D
the confidence here is very high because the images are nearly similar , if the confince is low that mean the answer is checked , we will calculate all answers for every question and the result will be as the following image
and here it is another example