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If there is no visible error, then it did not stop training, rather it is still busy training that level! Take into account that a HAAR model at later stages can train for multiple hours, even days, due to the sequential processing ... BTW, this topic had same problem in license plate recognition, so you might want to check out my answers there.

If there is no visible error, then it did not stop training, rather it is still busy training that level! Take into account that a HAAR model at later stages can train for multiple hours, even days, due to the sequential processing ... BTW, this topic had same problem in license plate recognition, so you might want to check out my answers there.

As to the questions:

  • Images/samples should NOT be square. You define the size in the -w -h parameters when creating the vec file.
  • Yes the size can be smaller than the images, then it will simply rescale
  • Recommendations for parameters: this forum OR OpenCV 3 Blueprints which has a complete chapter on optimal parameters.