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The following are my guesses as a non expert.

I think that in the first case, the product val * mats[m] will produce a temporary mat variable with the appropriate size whereas< Type >( r, c ) * val needs only a temporary Type variable.

What library did you use for multithreading your second code? Is it 8 times faster when you compare the second code multi-threaded vs your first code multi-threaded or vs your first code single-threaded? Also, what is the size of your matrix as some optimization methods are effective only on large data?

Here some comparisons / attempts to improve the performance:

The results are on my computer (50 iterations, 100 matrices of size: 1000x800):

Original method: sum1=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t1=8.87578 s
Matrix method: sum2=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t2=17.1907 s
Pointer access: sum3=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t3=5.40258 s
Pointer access + unroll loop: sum4=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t4=5.24404 s
Pointer access + unroll loop + parallel_for_: sum5=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t5=4.79474 s

The best improvment seems to be achieved when switching from matrix multiplication with a scalar to iterating and perform directly the multiplication on matrix elements (17.1907 s vs 8.87578 s).

Switching to pointer access gives also a resonable improvment (8.87578 s vs 5.40258 s).

The code I used for benchmarking:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

//Original method
template< typename Type >
void ScaleMatAndSum( cv::Mat& scale, const cv::Mat& mats, const Type val )
    for( int r = 0; r < mats.rows; r++ )
        for( int c = 0; c < mats.cols; c++ )
  < Type >( r, c ) +=< Type >( r, c ) * val;

//Pointer access
template< typename Type >
void ScaleMatAndSum_ptr( cv::Mat& scale, const cv::Mat& mats, const Type val )
    Type *ptr_scale_rows;
    const Type *ptr_mat_rows;
    for( int r = 0; r < mats.rows; r++ )
        ptr_scale_rows = scale.ptr<Type>(r);
        ptr_mat_rows = mats.ptr<Type>(r);

        for( int c = 0; c < mats.cols; c++ )
            ptr_scale_rows[c] += ptr_mat_rows[c] * val;

//Pointer access + unroll loop
template< typename Type >
void ScaleMatAndSum_ptr_unroll_loop( cv::Mat& scale, const cv::Mat& mats, const Type val )
    Type *ptr_scale_rows;
    const Type *ptr_mat_rows;
    for( int r = 0; r < mats.rows; r++ )
        ptr_scale_rows = scale.ptr<Type>(r);
        ptr_mat_rows = mats.ptr<Type>(r);

        for( int c = 0; c < mats.cols; c += 4 )
            ptr_scale_rows[c] += ptr_mat_rows[c] * val;
            ptr_scale_rows[c+1] += ptr_mat_rows[c+1] * val;
            ptr_scale_rows[c+2] += ptr_mat_rows[c+2] * val;
            ptr_scale_rows[c+3] += ptr_mat_rows[c+3] * val;

//Pointer access + unroll loop + ParallelLoopBody
template <class Type>
class Parallel_ScaleAndSum: public cv::ParallelLoopBody
    cv::Mat m_mat;
    Type m_mul;
    cv::Mat *m_result;

  Parallel_ScaleAndSum(cv::Mat *result, const cv::Mat &mat, const Type &mul)
      : m_mat(mat), m_mul(mul), m_result(result)

  virtual void operator()( const cv::Range &range ) const
      Type *ptr_scale_rows;
      const Type *ptr_mat_rows;

      for(int r = range.start; r < range.end; r++)
          ptr_scale_rows = m_result->ptr<Type>(r);
          ptr_mat_rows = m_mat.ptr<Type>(r);

          for(int c = 0; c < m_mat.cols; c += 4)
              ptr_scale_rows[c] += ptr_mat_rows[c] * m_mul;
              ptr_scale_rows[c+1] += ptr_mat_rows[c+1] * m_mul;
              ptr_scale_rows[c+2] += ptr_mat_rows[c+2] * m_mul;
              ptr_scale_rows[c+3] += ptr_mat_rows[c+3] * m_mul;

bool areEqual(const cv::Mat& a, const cv::Mat& b) {
    cv::Mat temp;
    cv::bitwise_xor(a,b,temp); //It vectorizes well with SSE/NEON
    return !( cv::countNonZero(temp) );

int main()
    cv::RNG rng(12345);

    int nbIterations = 50;
    size_t nbMatrices = 100;
    std::vector<cv::Mat> vectorOfMatrices(nbMatrices);
    std::vector<double> vectorOfMul(nbMatrices);

    cv::Size matrixSize(1000, 800);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
        //Generate random matrix
        cv::Mat m(matrixSize, CV_64F);
        rng.fill(m, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, -5000.0, 5000.0);
        vectorOfMatrices[i] = m;

        //Generate random double scalar between -20.0 and +20.0
        vectorOfMul[i] = rng.uniform(-20.0, 20.0);

    //Original method
    cv::Mat result1 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t1 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            ScaleMatAndSum(result1, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]);
    t1 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t1) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum1 = cv::sum(result1);
    std::cout << "Original method: sum1=" << sum1 << " ; t1=" << t1 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Matrix method
    cv::Mat result2 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t2 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            result2 += vectorOfMatrices[i]*vectorOfMul[i];
    t2 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t2) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum2 = cv::sum(result2);
    std::cout << "Matrix method: sum2=" << sum2 << " ; t2=" << t2 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Use ptr access
    cv::Mat result3 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t3 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            ScaleMatAndSum_ptr(result3, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]);
    t3 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t3) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum3 = cv::sum(result3);
    std::cout << "Pointer access: sum3=" << sum3 << " ; t3=" << t3 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Use ptr access + unroll loop
    cv::Mat result4 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t4 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            ScaleMatAndSum_ptr_unroll_loop(result4, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]);
    t4 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t4) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum4 = cv::sum(result4);
    std::cout << "Pointer access + unroll loop: sum4=" << sum4 << " ; t4=" << t4 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Use parallel for + ptr access + unroll loop
    cv::Mat result5 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t5 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            cv::parallel_for_(cv::Range(0, (int) result5.rows), Parallel_ScaleAndSum<double>(&result5, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]));
    t5 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t5) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum5 = cv::sum(result5);
    std::cout << "Pointer access + unroll loop + parallel_for_: sum5=" << sum5 << " ; t5=" << t5 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Check results
    bool equal12 = areEqual(result1, result2);
    bool equal13 = areEqual(result1, result3);
    bool equal14 = areEqual(result1, result4);
    bool equal15 = areEqual(result1, result5);
    std::cout << "equal12=" << equal12 << " ; equal13=" << equal13 << " ; equal14=" << equal14 << " ; equal15=" << equal15 << std::endl;

    return 0;

Other solutions could be:

  • maybe use the GPU if your matrices are very large?
  • SIMD optimizations?

The following are my guesses as a non expert.

I think that in the first case, the product val * mats[m] will produce a temporary mat variable with the appropriate size whereas< Type >( r, c ) * val needs only a temporary Type variable.

What library did you use for multithreading your second code? Is it 8 times faster when you compare the second code multi-threaded vs your first code multi-threaded or vs your first code single-threaded? Also, what is the size of your matrix as some optimization methods are effective only on large data?

Here some comparisons / attempts to improve the performance:

The results are on my computer (50 iterations, 100 matrices of size: 1000x800):

Original method: sum1=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t1=8.87578 s
Matrix method: sum2=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t2=17.1907 s
Pointer access: sum3=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t3=5.40258 s
Pointer access + unroll loop: sum4=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t4=5.24404 s
Pointer access + unroll loop + parallel_for_: sum5=[5.0812e+009, 0, 0, 0] ; t5=4.79474 s

The best improvment seems to be achieved when switching from matrix multiplication with a scalar to iterating and perform directly the multiplication on matrix elements (17.1907 s vs 8.87578 s).

Switching to pointer access gives also a resonable improvment (8.87578 s vs 5.40258 s).

The code I used for benchmarking:

#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

//Original method
template< typename Type >
void ScaleMatAndSum( cv::Mat& scale, const cv::Mat& mats, const Type val )
    for( int r = 0; r < mats.rows; r++ )
        for( int c = 0; c < mats.cols; c++ )
  < Type >( r, c ) +=< Type >( r, c ) * val;

//Pointer access
template< typename Type >
void ScaleMatAndSum_ptr( cv::Mat& scale, const cv::Mat& mats, const Type val )
    Type *ptr_scale_rows;
    const Type *ptr_mat_rows;
    for( int r = 0; r < mats.rows; r++ )
        ptr_scale_rows = scale.ptr<Type>(r);
        ptr_mat_rows = mats.ptr<Type>(r);

        for( int c = 0; c < mats.cols; c++ )
            ptr_scale_rows[c] += ptr_mat_rows[c] * val;

//Pointer access + unroll loop
template< typename Type >
void ScaleMatAndSum_ptr_unroll_loop( cv::Mat& scale, const cv::Mat& mats, const Type val )
    Type *ptr_scale_rows;
    const Type *ptr_mat_rows;
    for( int r = 0; r < mats.rows; r++ )
        ptr_scale_rows = scale.ptr<Type>(r);
        ptr_mat_rows = mats.ptr<Type>(r);

        for( int c = 0; c < mats.cols; c += 4 )
            ptr_scale_rows[c] += ptr_mat_rows[c] * val;
            ptr_scale_rows[c+1] += ptr_mat_rows[c+1] * val;
            ptr_scale_rows[c+2] += ptr_mat_rows[c+2] * val;
            ptr_scale_rows[c+3] += ptr_mat_rows[c+3] * val;

//Pointer access + unroll loop + ParallelLoopBody
template <class Type>
class Parallel_ScaleAndSum: public cv::ParallelLoopBody
    cv::Mat m_mat;
    Type m_mul;
    cv::Mat *m_result;

  Parallel_ScaleAndSum(cv::Mat *result, const cv::Mat &mat, const Type &mul)
      : m_mat(mat), m_mul(mul), m_result(result)

  virtual void operator()( const cv::Range &range ) const
      Type *ptr_scale_rows;
      const Type *ptr_mat_rows;

      for(int r = range.start; r < range.end; r++)
          ptr_scale_rows = m_result->ptr<Type>(r);
          ptr_mat_rows = m_mat.ptr<Type>(r);

          for(int c = 0; c < m_mat.cols; c += 4)
              ptr_scale_rows[c] += ptr_mat_rows[c] * m_mul;
              ptr_scale_rows[c+1] += ptr_mat_rows[c+1] * m_mul;
              ptr_scale_rows[c+2] += ptr_mat_rows[c+2] * m_mul;
              ptr_scale_rows[c+3] += ptr_mat_rows[c+3] * m_mul;

bool areEqual(const cv::Mat& a, const cv::Mat& b) {
    cv::Mat temp;
    cv::bitwise_xor(a,b,temp); //It vectorizes well with SSE/NEON
    return !( cv::countNonZero(temp) );

int main()
    cv::RNG rng(12345);

    int nbIterations = 50;
    size_t nbMatrices = 100;
    std::vector<cv::Mat> vectorOfMatrices(nbMatrices);
    std::vector<double> vectorOfMul(nbMatrices);

    cv::Size matrixSize(1000, 800);
    for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
        //Generate random matrix
        cv::Mat m(matrixSize, CV_64F);
        rng.fill(m, cv::RNG::UNIFORM, -5000.0, 5000.0);
        vectorOfMatrices[i] = m;

        //Generate random double scalar between -20.0 and +20.0
        vectorOfMul[i] = rng.uniform(-20.0, 20.0);

    //Original method
    cv::Mat result1 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t1 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            ScaleMatAndSum(result1, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]);
    t1 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t1) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum1 = cv::sum(result1);
    std::cout << "Original method: sum1=" << sum1 << " ; t1=" << t1 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Matrix method
    cv::Mat result2 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t2 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            result2 += vectorOfMatrices[i]*vectorOfMul[i];
    t2 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t2) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum2 = cv::sum(result2);
    std::cout << "Matrix method: sum2=" << sum2 << " ; t2=" << t2 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Use ptr access
    cv::Mat result3 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t3 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            ScaleMatAndSum_ptr(result3, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]);
    t3 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t3) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum3 = cv::sum(result3);
    std::cout << "Pointer access: sum3=" << sum3 << " ; t3=" << t3 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Use ptr access + unroll loop
    cv::Mat result4 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t4 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            ScaleMatAndSum_ptr_unroll_loop(result4, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]);
    t4 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t4) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum4 = cv::sum(result4);
    std::cout << "Pointer access + unroll loop: sum4=" << sum4 << " ; t4=" << t4 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Use parallel for + ptr access + unroll loop
    cv::Mat result5 = cv::Mat::zeros(matrixSize, CV_64F);
    double t5 = (double) cv::getTickCount();
    for(int cpt = 0; cpt < nbIterations; cpt++)
        for(size_t i = 0; i < nbMatrices; i++)
            cv::parallel_for_(cv::Range(0, (int) result5.rows), Parallel_ScaleAndSum<double>(&result5, vectorOfMatrices[i], vectorOfMul[i]));
    t5 = ((double) cv::getTickCount() - t5) / cv::getTickFrequency();

    cv::Scalar sum5 = cv::sum(result5);
    std::cout << "Pointer access + unroll loop + parallel_for_: sum5=" << sum5 << " ; t5=" << t5 << " s" << std::endl;

    //Check results
    bool equal12 = areEqual(result1, result2);
    bool equal13 = areEqual(result1, result3);
    bool equal14 = areEqual(result1, result4);
    bool equal15 = areEqual(result1, result5);
    std::cout << "equal12=" << equal12 << " ; equal13=" << equal13 << " ; equal14=" << equal14 << " ; equal15=" << equal15 << std::endl;

    return 0;

Other solutions could be:

  • maybe use the GPU if your matrices are very large?
  • SIMD optimizations?

Finally, the best is to test the different methods on your real data as the performances will depend mostly on the size of your data and your hardware.