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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

I still have not been able to find a good comprehensive list of which constants map to which (other than reading the names). There are some constants that the names are just mapped slightly differently and some that have not even been ported yet.

I would recommend the official code samples and also this set of examples for how to use these examples with common tasks.

click to hide/show revision 2

I still have not been able to find a good comprehensive list of which constants map to which (other than reading the names). There are some constants that the names are just mapped slightly differently and some that have not even been ported yet.

I would recommend the official code samples and also this set of examples for how to use these examples with common tasks.constants in typical functions.

click to hide/show revision 3
No.3 Revision

I still have not been able to find a good comprehensive list of which constants map to which (other than reading the names). There are some constants that the names are just mapped slightly differently and some that have not even been ported yet.

I would recommend the official code samples and also this set of examples for how to use these constants in typical functions.

Update: Found the file in the github with all the constants. Source was stackoverflow.

click to hide/show revision 4
No.4 Revision

I still have not been able to find a good comprehensive list of which constants map to which (other than reading the names). There are some constants that the names are just mapped slightly differently and some that have not even been ported yet.

I would recommend the official code samples and also this set of examples for how to use these constants in typical functions.

Update: Found the file in the github with all the constants. for the cv interface. Source was It's still a mystery how the cv2 are generated (maybe a regex in one of these cv2 files?)