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see lines 457 ff of your stacktrace, - it's loading 2.4. so's

btw, you should build the java wrappers with cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF , so the final is a standalone, and does no more depend on further opencv so's at runtime

see lines 457 ff of your stacktrace, - it's loading 2.4. so'sso's, and 1223 ff, also's.

btw, you'll probably have to clean up a bit / uninstall previous versions

imho, to avoid all that trouble, you should build the java wrappers with cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF , so the final is a standalone, and does no more depend on further opencv so's at runtime

see lines 457 ff of your stacktrace, - it's loading 2.4. so's, and 1223 ff, also's.

you'll probably have to clean up a bit / uninstall previous versions

imho, to avoid all that trouble, you should build the java wrappers with cmake -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=OFF , so the final is a standalone, and does no more depend on further opencv so's at runtime