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initial version
CvScalar pixel = cvGet2D(&image_, r, c);  
// if image_ is a IplImage*, that would be a IplImage** ?

i think, you want :

CvScalar pixel = cvGet2D(image_, r, c);

(without the &) in both occurences

CvScalar pixel = cvGet2D(&image_, r, c);  
// if image_ is a IplImage*, that would be a IplImage** ?

i think, you want :

CvScalar pixel = cvGet2D(image_, r, c);

(without the &) in both occurences


looking twice, found another issue: /* Test */

unsigned char* rowTemp = new unsigned char[width];

rowTemp = row;

now rowTemp is pointing to row, the "new unsigned char[width]" before does not have any effect, also you're leaking memory here!