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I have finally figured it out. Michael Burdnov's comment about the runtime dll's that it loads pointed my in the right direction. How I solved it:

In the project properties, I noticed that the debug version had the Runtime Library set to Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd), while the release version had Multi-threaded DLL (/MD). (you can find this setting under "Configuration Properties" --> "C/C++" --> "Code Generation")

If I set the release version to the same Runtime Library, it works! Only question remaining of course, is why. But for now, at least I can build an optimised version of my code, with a load of debug code (which I had put in a #ifdef _DEBUG construction) gone from the build.

Thank you all for your help!

I have finally figured it out. Michael Burdnov's comment about the runtime dll's that it loads pointed my me in the right direction. How I solved it:

In the project properties, I noticed that the debug version had the Runtime Library set to Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd), while the release version had Multi-threaded DLL (/MD). (you can find this setting under "Configuration Properties" --> "C/C++" --> "Code Generation")

If I set the release version to the same Runtime Library, it works! Only question remaining of course, is why. But for now, at least I can build an optimised version of my code, with a load of debug code (which I had put in a #ifdef _DEBUG construction) gone from the build.

Thank you all for your help!

click to hide/show revision 3
Replaced wrong answer with the final correct one.

I have finally figured it out. Michael Burdnov's comment about the runtime dll's that it loads pointed me in the right direction. How I solved it:out.

In the project properties, my configuration under Linker, I noticed that the debug version had the Runtime have added Additional Library set to Multi-threaded Debug DLL (/MDd), while the release version had Multi-threaded DLL (/MD). (you can find this setting under "Configuration Properties" --> "C/C++" --> "Code Generation")Dependencies: opencv_core242d.lib opencv_imgproc242d.lib opencv_highgui242d.lib opencv_ml242d.lib opencv_video242d.lib opencv_features2d242d.lib opencv_calib3d242d.lib opencv_objdetect242d.lib opencv_contrib242d.lib opencv_legacy242d.lib opencv_flann242d.lib

If I set It took me a while to notice that they all end with "*d.lib" and that there might be a chance that this d means "debug". Removing the d in all these files for the release version to the same Runtime Library, it works! Only question remaining of course, is why. But for now, at least I can build an optimised version of my code, with a load of debug code (which I had put in a #ifdef _DEBUG construction) gone from the build.solved it!

Thank you all for your help!