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OpenCV 3.x have a sample application train_HOG.cpp

OpenCV 3.x have a sample application train_HOG.cpp


to get an attention i marked my question as best answer.

i updated train_HOG.cpp you can try it to feel the difference.

link of PR

OpenCV 3.x have a sample application train_HOG.cpp


to get an attention i marked my question as best answer.

i updated train_HOG.cpp you can try it to feel the difference.

any advice or critique is welcome about link of PRthe Pull Request

OpenCV 3.x have a sample application train_HOG.cpp


to get an attention i marked my question as best answer.

i updated train_HOG.cpp you can try it to feel the difference.

any advice or critique is welcome about the Pull Request

example usage for test:

cpp-example-train_HOG -t -fn=my_detector.yml -tv=../data/vtest.avi

you can use my_detector.yml which created using the cmd line below

cpp-example-train_HOG -d -dw=64 -dh=128 -pd=/INRIAPerson/96X160H96/Train/pos -nd=/INRIAPerson/neg -tv=../data/vtest.avi

OpenCV 3.x have a sample application train_HOG.cpp


to get an attention i marked my question as best answer.

i updated train_HOG.cpp you can try it to feel the difference.

any advice or critique is welcome about the Pull Request

example usage for test:

cpp-example-train_HOG -t -fn=my_detector.yml -tv=../data/vtest.avi

(you don't need INRIA database to test) you can use my_detector.yml which created using the cmd line below

cpp-example-train_HOG -d -dw=64 -dh=128 -pd=/INRIAPerson/96X160H96/Train/pos -nd=/INRIAPerson/neg -tv=../data/vtest.avi