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Ok to answer my own question and after some weeks of research I found out that it is possible. First you need to go here and download/build and install the libfreenect2 library, bear in mind that this library is working only with Kinect one sensor, referred also as Kinect for windows 2. For linux most likely you will be able to find somewhere a package related to your package manager, for windows just follow the steps described in the README file and it should work without problem, for MacOS unfortunately I cannot tell since I do not acquire machine based on MacOS.

Once you have installed the libfreenect2 library in addition to its dependencies (described in the README file, e.g. libusb, libjpeg-turbo, etc...) and opencv you are ready to go. Bellow a code snippet how to show the output for rgb, depth, ir, and rgbd (both from rgb to dept and vice versa) using opencv:

//! [headers]
#include <iostream>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <time.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <opencv2/opencv.hpp>

#include <libfreenect2/libfreenect2.hpp>
#include <libfreenect2/frame_listener_impl.h>
#include <libfreenect2/registration.h>
#include <libfreenect2/packet_pipeline.h>
#include <libfreenect2/logger.h>
//! [headers]

using namespace std;
using namespace cv;

enum Processor { cl, gl, cpu };

bool protonect_shutdown = false; // Whether the running application should shut down.

void sigint_handler(int s)
  protonect_shutdown = true;

int main()
    std::cout << "Hello World!" << std::endl;

    //! [context]
    libfreenect2::Freenect2 freenect2;
    libfreenect2::Freenect2Device *dev = nullptr;
    libfreenect2::PacketPipeline *pipeline = nullptr;
    //! [context]

    //! [discovery]
    if(freenect2.enumerateDevices() == 0)
        std::cout << "no device connected!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    string serial = freenect2.getDefaultDeviceSerialNumber();

    std::cout << "SERIAL: " << serial << std::endl;
    //! [discovery]

    int depthProcessor = Processor::cl;

    if(depthProcessor == Processor::cpu)
            //! [pipeline]
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::CpuPacketPipeline();
            //! [pipeline]
    } else if (depthProcessor == Processor::gl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenGLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenGL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;
    } else if (depthProcessor == Processor::cl) {
            pipeline = new libfreenect2::OpenCLPacketPipeline();
        std::cout << "OpenCL pipeline is not supported!" << std::endl;

        //! [open]
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial, pipeline);
        //! [open]
    } else {
        dev = freenect2.openDevice(serial);

    if(dev == 0)
        std::cout << "failure opening device!" << std::endl;
        return -1;

    signal(SIGINT, sigint_handler);
    protonect_shutdown = false;

    //! [listeners]
    libfreenect2::SyncMultiFrameListener listener(libfreenect2::Frame::Color |
                                                  libfreenect2::Frame::Depth |
    libfreenect2::FrameMap frames;

    //! [listeners]

    //! [start]

    std::cout << "device serial: " << dev->getSerialNumber() << std::endl;
    std::cout << "device firmware: " << dev->getFirmwareVersion() << std::endl;
    //! [start]

    //! [registration setup]
    libfreenect2::Registration* registration = new libfreenect2::Registration(dev->getIrCameraParams(), dev->getColorCameraParams());
    libfreenect2::Frame undistorted(512, 424, 4), registered(512, 424, 4), depth2rgb(1920, 1080 + 2, 4); // check here ( and here ( why depth2rgb image should be bigger
    //! [registration setup]

    Mat rgbmat, depthmat, depthmatUndistorted, irmat, rgbd, rgbd2;

    //! [loop start]
        libfreenect2::Frame *rgb = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Color];
        libfreenect2::Frame *ir = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Ir];
        libfreenect2::Frame *depth = frames[libfreenect2::Frame::Depth];
        //! [loop start]

        cv::Mat(rgb->height, rgb->width, CV_8UC4, rgb->data).copyTo(rgbmat);
        cv::Mat(ir->height, ir->width, CV_32FC1, ir->data).copyTo(irmat);
        cv::Mat(depth->height, depth->width, CV_32FC1, depth->data).copyTo(depthmat);    

        cv::imshow("rgb", rgbmat);
        cv::imshow("ir", irmat / 4500.0f); 
        cv::imshow("depth", depthImg / 4500.0f); 

        //! [registration]
        registration->apply(rgb, depth, &undistorted, &registered, true, &depth2rgb);
        //! [registration]

        cv::Mat(undistorted.height, undistorted.width, CV_32FC1,;
        cv::Mat(registered.height, registered.width, CV_8UC4,;
        cv::Mat(depth2rgb.height, depth2rgb.width, CV_32FC1,;

        cv::imshow("undistorted", depthmatUndistorted / 4500.0f);
        cv::imshow("registered", rgbd);
        cv::imshow("depth2RGB", rgbd2 / 4500.0f);

        int key = cv::waitKey(1);
        protonect_shutdown = protonect_shutdown || (key > 0 && ((key & 0xFF) == 27)); // shutdown on escape

    //! [loop end]
    //! [loop end]

    //! [stop]
    //! [stop]

    delete registration;

    std::cout << "Goodbye World!" << std::endl;
    return 0;

This should work out of the box without any issues. I hope that it will help someone else in the future and it will save him from some time.