1 | initial version |
Thanks foundry for pointing me in the right direction. The UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting 8-bits per colour channel, however the HDR functions are spitting out 32-bits per channel (which is actually what I want). Converting the image matrix back to 8-bits per channel for display purposes before converting it to a UIImage fixes the issue.
Here is the resulting image:
Here is the fixed function:
cv::Mat mergeToHDR (vector<Mat>& images, vector<float>& times)
imgs = images;
Mat response;
//Ptr<CalibrateDebevec> calibrate = createCalibrateDebevec();
//calibrate->process(images, response, times);
Ptr<CalibrateRobertson> calibrate = createCalibrateRobertson();
calibrate->process(images, response, times);
// create HDR
Mat hdr;
Ptr<MergeDebevec> merge_debevec = createMergeDebevec();
merge_debevec->process(images, hdr, times, response);
// create LDR
Mat ldr;
Ptr<TonemapDurand> tonemap = createTonemapDurand(2.2f);
tonemap->process(hdr, ldr);
// create fusion
Mat fusion;
Ptr<MergeMertens> merge_mertens = createMergeMertens();
merge_mertens->process(images, fusion);
Uncomment what kind of tonemapped image or hdr to return
Convert back to 8-bits per channel because that is what
the UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting
// tone mapped
Mat ldr8bit;
ldr = ldr * 255;
ldr.convertTo(ldr8bit, CV_8U);
return ldr8bit;
// fusion
Mat fusion8bit;
fusion = fusion * 255;
fusion.convertTo(fusion8bit, CV_8U);
return fusion8bit;
// hdr
Mat hdr8bit;
hdr = hdr * 255;
hdr.convertTo(hdr8bit, CV_8U);
return hdr8bit;
2 | No.2 Revision |
Thanks foundry for pointing me in the right direction. The UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting 8-bits per colour channel, however the HDR functions are spitting out 32-bits per channel (which is actually what I want). Converting the image matrix back to 8-bits per channel for display purposes before converting it to a UIImage fixes the issue.
Here is the resulting image:
Here is the fixed function:
cv::Mat mergeToHDR (vector<Mat>& images, vector<float>& times)
imgs = images;
Mat response;
//Ptr<CalibrateDebevec> calibrate = createCalibrateDebevec();
//calibrate->process(images, response, times);
Ptr<CalibrateRobertson> calibrate = createCalibrateRobertson();
calibrate->process(images, response, times);
// create HDR
Mat hdr;
Ptr<MergeDebevec> merge_debevec = createMergeDebevec();
merge_debevec->process(images, hdr, times, response);
// create LDR
Mat ldr;
Ptr<TonemapDurand> tonemap = createTonemapDurand(2.2f);
tonemap->process(hdr, ldr);
// create fusion
Mat fusion;
Ptr<MergeMertens> merge_mertens = createMergeMertens();
merge_mertens->process(images, fusion);
Uncomment what kind of tonemapped image or hdr to return
Convert back to 8-bits per channel because that is what
the UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting
// tone mapped
Mat ldr8bit;
ldr = ldr * 255;
ldr.convertTo(ldr8bit, CV_8U);
return ldr8bit;
// fusion
Mat fusion8bit;
fusion = fusion * 255;
fusion.convertTo(fusion8bit, CV_8U);
return fusion8bit;
// hdr
Mat hdr8bit;
hdr = hdr * 255;
hdr.convertTo(hdr8bit, CV_8U);
return hdr8bit;
Alternatively here is a fix for the - (id)initWithCVMat:(const cv::Mat&)cvMat method in the OpenCV+UIImage class extension based on one of the iOS tutorials in the iOS section on opencv.org:
When creating a new CGImageRef with floating point data, it needs to be explicitly told that it expects floating point data, and the byte order of the image data from openCV needs to be reversed. Now iOS has the float data! It's a bit of a hacky fix, because the method still only deals with 8 bit or 32 bits per channel and not every kind of image that could be passed from Mat to UIImage.
- (id)initWithCVMat:(const cv::Mat&)cvMat
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:cvMat.data length:cvMat.elemSize() * cvMat.total()];
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
size_t elemSize = cvMat.elemSize();
size_t elemSize1 = cvMat.elemSize1();
size_t channelCount = elemSize/elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerChannel = 8 * elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerPixel = bitsPerChannel * channelCount;
if (channelCount == 1) {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
} else {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
// Tell CGIImageRef different bitmap info if handed 32-bit
uint32_t bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNone | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
if (bitsPerChannel == 32 ){
bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapFloatComponents | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little;
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data);
// Creating CGImage from cv::Mat
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(cvMat.cols, //width
cvMat.rows, //height
bitsPerChannel, //bits per component
bitsPerPixel, //bits per pixel
cvMat.step[0], //bytesPerRow
colorSpace, //colorspace
bitmapInfo, // bitmap info
provider, //CGDataProviderRef
NULL, //decode
false, //should interpolate
kCGRenderingIntentDefault //intent
// Getting UIImage from CGImage
self = [self initWithCGImage:imageRef];
return self;
3 | No.3 Revision |
Thanks foundry for pointing me in the right direction. The UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting 8-bits per colour channel, however the HDR functions are spitting out 32-bits per channel (which is actually what I want). Converting the image matrix back to 8-bits per channel for display purposes before converting it to a UIImage fixes the issue.
Here is the resulting image:
Here is the fixed function:
cv::Mat mergeToHDR (vector<Mat>& images, vector<float>& times)
imgs = images;
Mat response;
//Ptr<CalibrateDebevec> calibrate = createCalibrateDebevec();
//calibrate->process(images, response, times);
Ptr<CalibrateRobertson> calibrate = createCalibrateRobertson();
calibrate->process(images, response, times);
// create HDR
Mat hdr;
Ptr<MergeDebevec> merge_debevec = createMergeDebevec();
merge_debevec->process(images, hdr, times, response);
// create LDR
Mat ldr;
Ptr<TonemapDurand> tonemap = createTonemapDurand(2.2f);
tonemap->process(hdr, ldr);
// create fusion
Mat fusion;
Ptr<MergeMertens> merge_mertens = createMergeMertens();
merge_mertens->process(images, fusion);
Uncomment what kind of tonemapped image or hdr to return
Convert back to 8-bits per channel because that is what
the UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting
// tone mapped
Mat ldr8bit;
ldr = ldr * 255;
ldr.convertTo(ldr8bit, CV_8U);
return ldr8bit;
// fusion
Mat fusion8bit;
fusion = fusion * 255;
fusion.convertTo(fusion8bit, CV_8U);
return fusion8bit;
// hdr
Mat hdr8bit;
hdr = hdr * 255;
hdr.convertTo(hdr8bit, CV_8U);
return hdr8bit;
Alternatively here is a fix for the - (id)initWithCVMat:(const cv::Mat&)cvMat method in the OpenCV+UIImage class extension based on one of the iOS tutorials in the iOS section on opencv.org:
When creating a new CGImageRef with floating point data, it needs to be explicitly told that it expects floating point data, and the byte order of the image data from openCV needs to be reversed. Now iOS has the float data! It's a bit of a hacky fix, because the method still only deals with 8 bit or 32 bits per channel and not doesn't take into account every kind of image that could be passed from Mat to UIImage.
- (id)initWithCVMat:(const cv::Mat&)cvMat
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:cvMat.data length:cvMat.elemSize() * cvMat.total()];
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
size_t elemSize = cvMat.elemSize();
size_t elemSize1 = cvMat.elemSize1();
size_t channelCount = elemSize/elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerChannel = 8 * elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerPixel = bitsPerChannel * channelCount;
if (channelCount == 1) {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
} else {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
// Tell CGIImageRef different bitmap info if handed 32-bit
uint32_t bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNone | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
if (bitsPerChannel == 32 ){
bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapFloatComponents | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little;
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data);
// Creating CGImage from cv::Mat
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(cvMat.cols, //width
cvMat.rows, //height
bitsPerChannel, //bits per component
bitsPerPixel, //bits per pixel
cvMat.step[0], //bytesPerRow
colorSpace, //colorspace
bitmapInfo, // bitmap info
provider, //CGDataProviderRef
NULL, //decode
false, //should interpolate
kCGRenderingIntentDefault //intent
// Getting UIImage from CGImage
self = [self initWithCGImage:imageRef];
return self;
4 | No.4 Revision |
Thanks foundry for pointing me in the right direction. The UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting 8-bits per colour channel, however the HDR functions are spitting out 32-bits per channel (which is actually what I want). Converting the image matrix back to 8-bits per channel for display purposes before converting it to a UIImage fixes the issue.
Here is the resulting image:
Here is the fixed function:
cv::Mat mergeToHDR (vector<Mat>& images, vector<float>& times)
imgs = images;
Mat response;
//Ptr<CalibrateDebevec> calibrate = createCalibrateDebevec();
//calibrate->process(images, response, times);
Ptr<CalibrateRobertson> calibrate = createCalibrateRobertson();
calibrate->process(images, response, times);
// create HDR
Mat hdr;
Ptr<MergeDebevec> merge_debevec = createMergeDebevec();
merge_debevec->process(images, hdr, times, response);
// create LDR
Mat ldr;
Ptr<TonemapDurand> tonemap = createTonemapDurand(2.2f);
tonemap->process(hdr, ldr);
// create fusion
Mat fusion;
Ptr<MergeMertens> merge_mertens = createMergeMertens();
merge_mertens->process(images, fusion);
Uncomment what kind of tonemapped image or hdr to return
Convert back to 8-bits per channel because that is what
the UIImage+OpenCV class extension is expecting
// tone mapped
Mat ldr8bit;
ldr = ldr * 255;
ldr.convertTo(ldr8bit, CV_8U);
return ldr8bit;
// fusion
Mat fusion8bit;
fusion = fusion * 255;
fusion.convertTo(fusion8bit, CV_8U);
return fusion8bit;
// hdr
Mat hdr8bit;
hdr = hdr * 255;
hdr.convertTo(hdr8bit, CV_8U);
return hdr8bit;
Alternatively here is a fix for the - (id)initWithCVMat:(const cv::Mat&)cvMat method in the OpenCV+UIImage class extension based on one of the iOS tutorials in the iOS section on opencv.org:
When creating a new CGImageRef with floating point data, it needs to be explicitly told that it expects floating point data, and the byte order of the image data from openCV needs to be reversed. Now iOS has the float data! It's a bit of a hacky fix, because the method still only deals with 8 bit or 32 bits per channel or alphas and doesn't take into account every kind of image that could be passed from Mat to UIImage.
- (id)initWithCVMat:(const cv::Mat&)cvMat
NSData *data = [NSData dataWithBytes:cvMat.data length:cvMat.elemSize() * cvMat.total()];
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
size_t elemSize = cvMat.elemSize();
size_t elemSize1 = cvMat.elemSize1();
size_t channelCount = elemSize/elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerChannel = 8 * elemSize1;
size_t bitsPerPixel = bitsPerChannel * channelCount;
if (channelCount == 1) {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceGray();
} else {
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
// Tell CGIImageRef different bitmap info if handed 32-bit
uint32_t bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNone | kCGBitmapByteOrderDefault;
if (bitsPerChannel == 32 ){
bitmapInfo = kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast | kCGBitmapFloatComponents | kCGBitmapByteOrder32Little;
CGDataProviderRef provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithCFData((__bridge CFDataRef)data);
// Creating CGImage from cv::Mat
CGImageRef imageRef = CGImageCreate(cvMat.cols, //width
cvMat.rows, //height
bitsPerChannel, //bits per component
bitsPerPixel, //bits per pixel
cvMat.step[0], //bytesPerRow
colorSpace, //colorspace
bitmapInfo, // bitmap info
provider, //CGDataProviderRef
NULL, //decode
false, //should interpolate
kCGRenderingIntentDefault //intent
// Getting UIImage from CGImage
self = [self initWithCGImage:imageRef];
return self;