1 | initial version |
Thread scheme is too poor because grab and process aren't sync. Depends on grab/process timing you will lost some frames or process same frame twice. You could implements some sync using mutex||semaphores||std::atomic<bool> but it's would be better if you use a thread safe circular buffer with copy constructor, in this case 1 producer 1 consumer: Grab/Push and Process/Pop.
A simple implementation could be done use std:queue but isn't memory effective because you will create a new Mat for each grab (even if STL and Mat optimization will recycle the memory). look at this simple example and try moving the window "Image main"
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
std::queue<cv::Mat> buffer;
std::mutex mtxCam;
std::atomic<bool> grabOn; // this is lock free
void GrabTask(VideoCapture *cap)
cv::Mat tmp;
*cap >> tmp; // grab a frame for get size and type
// we wont lost the 1st frame
while (grabOn.load()==true)
// AVOID below because buffer.push will not copy the frame but create just a ref
// than the frame it will be overwritten on next grab
//*cap >> tmp; buffer.push(tmp);
// this will create a new Mat for each grab
buffer.push(cv::Mat(tmp.size(), tmp.type())); // size and type must never change
*cap >> buffer.back(); // grab directly into the buffer
buffer.back().copyTo(tmp); // just for imshow
imshow("Image thread", tmp);
waitKey(1); //just for imshow
void ProcessFrame(const Mat &src)
imshow("Image main", src);
int MainProc() {
Mat frame;
VideoCapture cap;
if (!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
return -1;
grabOn.store(true); // set the grabbing control variable
thread t(GrabTask, &cap); // start the grabbing task
int bufSize;
while (true) {
mtxCam.lock(); // lock memory for exclusive access
bufSize = buffer.size(); // check how many frames are waiting
if (bufSize > 0) // if some
frame = buffer.front(); // get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
// frame is a reference of a cv::Mat created with buffer.push(...
// it should survive after pop because of cv::Mat memory reference counting
// in case take a copy of it:
// frame.copyTo(image);
buffer.pop(); // release the queue item
mtxCam.unlock(); // unlock the memory
if (bufSize > 0) // if a new frame is available
ProcessFrame(frame); // process it
// if bufSize is increasing means that process time is too slow regards to grab time
// may be you will have out of memory soon
cout << endl << "frame to process:" << bufSize;
if (waitKey(1) >= 0) // press any key to terminate
grabOn.store(false); // stop the grab loop
t.join(); // wait for the grab loop
cout << endl << "Flushing buffer of:" << bufSize << " frames...";
while (!buffer.empty()) // flushing the buffer
frame = buffer.front();
cout << "done"<<endl;
break; // exit from process loop
cout << endl << "Press Enter to terminate"; cin.get();
return 0;
2 | No.2 Revision |
Thread scheme is too poor because grab and process aren't sync. Depends on grab/process timing you will lost some frames or process same frame twice. You could implements some sync using mutex||semaphores||std::atomic<bool> but it's would be better if you use a thread safe circular buffer with copy constructor, in this case 1 producer 1 consumer: Grab/Push and Process/Pop.
A simple implementation could be done use std:queue but isn't memory effective because you will create a new Mat for each grab (even if STL and Mat optimization will recycle the memory). look at this simple example and try moving the window "Image main"
EDIT: keep a copy of grabbed frame is safer
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
std::queue<cv::Mat> buffer;
std::mutex mtxCam;
std::atomic<bool> grabOn; // this is lock free
void GrabTask(VideoCapture *cap)
cv::Mat tmp;
*cap >> tmp; // grab a frame for get size and type
// we wont lost the 1st frame
while (grabOn.load()==true)
// AVOID below because buffer.push will not copy the frame but create just a ref
// than the frame it will be overwritten on next grab
//*cap >> tmp; buffer.push(tmp);
// this will create a new Mat for each grab
buffer.push(cv::Mat(tmp.size(), tmp.type())); // size and type must never change
*cap >> buffer.back(); // grab directly into the buffer
buffer.back().copyTo(tmp); // just for imshow
putText(tmp, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
imshow("Image thread", tmp);
waitKey(1); //just for imshow
void ProcessFrame(const Mat &src)
if(src.empty()) return;
putText(src, "PROC FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
imshow("Image main", src);
int MainProc() {
Mat frame;
VideoCapture cap;
if (!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
return -1;
grabOn.store(true); // set the grabbing control variable
thread t(GrabTask, &cap); // start the grabbing task
int bufSize;
while (true) {
mtxCam.lock(); // lock memory for exclusive access
bufSize = buffer.size(); // check how many frames are waiting
if (bufSize > 0) // if some
frame = buffer.front(); // get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
// frame is a // reference of a cv::Mat created with buffer.push(...
// it to buffer.front() should survive be valid after
// pop because of cv::Mat memory reference counting
// in case take but it's content can change after unlock, better to keep a copy of it:
// frame.copyTo(image);
// an alternative is to unlock after processing (this will lock grabbing)
buffer.front().copyTo(frame); // get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
buffer.pop(); // release the queue item
mtxCam.unlock(); // unlock the memory
if (bufSize > 0) // if a new frame is available
ProcessFrame(frame); // process it
// if bufSize is increasing means that process time is too slow regards to grab time
// may be you will have out of memory soon
cout << endl << "frame to process:" << bufSize;
if (waitKey(1) >= 0) // press any key to terminate
grabOn.store(false); // stop the grab loop
t.join(); // wait for the grab loop
cout << endl << "Flushing buffer of:" << bufSize << " frames...";
while (!buffer.empty()) // flushing the buffer
frame = buffer.front();
cout << "done"<<endl;
break; // exit from process loop
cout << endl << "Press Enter to terminate"; cin.get();
return 0;
3 | No.3 Revision |
Thread scheme is too poor because grab and process aren't sync. Depends on grab/process timing you will lost some frames or process same frame twice. You could implements some sync using mutex||semaphores||std::atomic<bool> but it's would be better if you use a thread safe circular buffer with copy constructor, in this case 1 producer 1 consumer: Grab/Push and Process/Pop.
A simple implementation could be done use std:queue but isn't memory effective because you will create a new Mat for each grab (even if STL and Mat optimization will recycle the memory). look at this simple example and try moving the window "Image main"
EDIT: keep a copy of grabbed frame is safer
EDIT2: move grab out of locking
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
std::queue<cv::Mat> buffer;
std::mutex mtxCam;
std::atomic<bool> grabOn; // this is lock free
void GrabTask(VideoCapture GrabTask(cv::VideoCapture *cap)
cv::Mat tmp;
*cap >> tmp; // grab //catch a frame for get size and type
// we wont lost cv::VideoWriter vw;
OpenVideo(vw, tmp.size(), "../img/file2.avi");
// keep the 1st frame
buffer.push(cv::Mat(tmp.size(), tmp.type()));
while (grabOn.load()==true)
(grabOn.load() == true) //this is lock free
// AVOID below because buffer.push //grab will not copy the frame but create just a ref
// than the frame it will wait for cam FPS
//keep grab out of lock so that
//idle time can be overwritten on next grab
//*cap used by other threads
*cap >> tmp; buffer.push(tmp);
//this will wait for cam FPS
if (tmp.empty()) continue;
//get lock only when we have a frame
// buffer.push_back(tmp) stores item by reference than avoid
// this will create a new Mat cv::Mat for each grab
buffer.push(cv::Mat(tmp.size(), tmp.type())); // size and type must never change
*cap >> buffer.back(); // grab directly into the buffer
buffer.back().copyTo(tmp); // just for imshow
putText(tmp, bool show = true;
if (show)
cv::putText(tmp, "THREAD FRAME", Point(10, cv::Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, font, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
imshow("Image thread", tmp);
waitKey(1); cv::waitKey(1); //just for imshow
vw << tmp; //save frame to avi
void ProcessFrame(const Mat &src)
if(src.empty()) return;
putText(src, "PROC FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, 255, 0));
imshow("Image main", src);
int MainProc() {
Mat frame;
VideoCapture cap;
if (!cap.isOpened()) // check if we succeeded
return -1;
grabOn.store(true); // set the grabbing control variable
thread t(GrabTask, &cap); // start the grabbing task
int bufSize;
while (true) {
mtxCam.lock(); // lock memory for exclusive access
bufSize = buffer.size(); // check how many frames are waiting
if (bufSize > 0) // if some
// reference to buffer.front() should be valid after
// pop because of cv::Mat memory reference counting
// but it's content can change after unlock, better to keep a copy
// an alternative is to unlock after processing (this will lock grabbing)
buffer.front().copyTo(frame); // get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
buffer.pop(); // release the queue item
mtxCam.unlock(); // unlock the memory
if (bufSize > 0) // if a new frame is available
ProcessFrame(frame); // process it
// if bufSize is increasing means that process time is too slow regards to grab time
// may be you will have out of memory soon
cout << endl << "frame to process:" << bufSize;
if (waitKey(1) >= 0) // press any key to terminate
grabOn.store(false); // stop the grab loop
t.join(); // wait for the grab loop
cout << endl << "Flushing buffer of:" << bufSize << " frames...";
while (!buffer.empty()) // flushing the buffer
frame = buffer.front();
cout << "done"<<endl;
break; // exit from process loop
cout << endl << "Press Enter to terminate"; cin.get();
return 0;
4 | No.4 Revision |
Thread scheme is too poor because grab and process aren't sync. Depends on grab/process timing you will lost some frames or process same frame twice. You could implements some sync using mutex||semaphores||std::atomic<bool> but it's would be better if you use a thread safe circular buffer with copy constructor, in this case 1 producer 1 consumer: Grab/Push and Process/Pop.
A simple implementation could be done use std:queue but isn't memory effective because you will create a new Mat for each grab (even if STL and Mat optimization will recycle the memory). look at this simple example and try moving the window "Image main"
EDIT: keep a copy of grabbed frame is safer
EDIT2: move grab out of lockinglocking.
EDIT3: removed useless VideoWriter. Added counter for cv::Mat memory allocation/recycling
#include <thread>
#include <mutex>
#include <queue>
#include <atomic>
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
std::queue<cv::Mat> std::queue<Mat> buffer;
std::mutex mtxCam;
std::atomic<bool> grabOn; // this //this is lock free
void GrabTask(cv::VideoCapture GrabThread(VideoCapture *cap)
Mat tmp;
//To know how many memory blocks will be allocated to store frames in the queue.
//Even if you grab N frames and create N x Mat in the queue
//only few real memory blocks will be allocated
//thanks to std::queue and cv::Mat tmp;
*cap >> tmp; //catch a frame for get size and type
cv::VideoWriter vw;
OpenVideo(vw, tmp.size(), "../img/file2.avi");
// keep the 1st frame
buffer.push(cv::Mat(tmp.size(), tmp.type()));
memory recycling
std::map<unsigned char*, int> matMemoryCounter;
uchar * frameMemoryAddr;
while (grabOn.load() == true) //this is lock free
//grab will wait for cam FPS
//keep grab out of lock so that
//idle time can be used by other threads
*cap >> tmp; //this will wait for cam FPS
if (tmp.empty()) continue;
//get lock only when we have a frame
// buffer.push_back(tmp) //buffer.push(tmp) stores item by reference than avoid
// this //this will create a new cv::Mat for each grab
buffer.push(cv::Mat(tmp.size(), buffer.push(Mat(tmp.size(), tmp.type()));
frameMemoryAddr = buffer.front().data;
//count how many times this memory block has been used
bool show = true;
if (show)
cv::putText(tmp, putText(tmp, "THREAD FRAME", cv::Point(10, Point(10, 10), font, 1, cv::Scalar(0, Scalar(0, 255, 0));
imshow("Image thread", tmp);
cv::waitKey(1); waitKey(1); //just for imshow
vw }
std::cout << tmp; //save frame to avi
std::endl << "Number of Mat in memory: " << matMemoryCounter.size();
void ProcessFrame(const Mat &src)
if(src.empty()) return;
putText(src, "PROC FRAME", Point(10, 10), CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, cv::Scalar(0, Scalar(0, 255, 0));
imshow("Image main", src);
int MainProc() {
Mat frame;
VideoCapture cap;
if (!cap.isOpened()) // check //check if we succeeded
return -1;
grabOn.store(true); // set //set the grabbing control variable
thread t(GrabTask, t(GrabThread, &cap); // start //start the grabbing task
int bufSize;
while (true) (true)
mtxCam.lock(); // lock //lock memory for exclusive access
bufSize = buffer.size(); // check //check how many frames are waiting
if (bufSize > 0) // if //if some
// reference //reference to buffer.front() should be valid after
// pop //pop because of cv::Mat Mat memory reference counting
// but it's //but if content can change after unlock, unlock is better to keep a copy
// an //an alternative is to unlock after processing (this will lock grabbing)
buffer.front().copyTo(frame); // get //get the oldest grabbed frame (queue=FIFO)
buffer.pop(); // release //release the queue item
mtxCam.unlock(); // unlock //unlock the memory
if (bufSize > 0) // if //if a new frame is available
ProcessFrame(frame); // process //process it
// if //if bufSize is increasing means that process time is too slow regards to grab time
// may //may be you will have out of memory soon
cout << endl << "frame to process:" << bufSize;
if (waitKey(1) >= 0) // press //press any key to terminate
grabOn.store(false); // stop //stop the grab loop
t.join(); // wait //wait for the grab loop
cout << endl << "Flushing buffer of:" << bufSize << " frames...";
while (!buffer.empty()) // flushing //flushing the buffer
frame = buffer.front();
cout << "done"<<endl;
break; // exit //exit from process loop
cout << endl << "Press Enter to terminate"; cin.get();
return 0;