![]() | 1 | initial version |
// Global variables
const int slider_max = 100;
int slider;
Mat img;
// Callback function for trackbar event
void on_trackbar(int , void *)
// here's the main gotcha:
// int(10)/int(100) == 0 !
// we have to cast to float, to avoid the problem with integer division !
// also, scale should never become 0, so add a minimum value of 1:
float scale = float(slider+1)/100;
Mat img_converted;
Size s(img.size().width*scale, img.size().height*scale);
resize(img, img_converted, s);
imshow("Scaled", img_converted);
int main()
img = imread("im/lena.jpg");
namedWindow("Trackbar app", 0);
// better start with a nice value (not 0)
slider = 100;
// trick: put the trackbar in its own window,
// it really sucks, if it has to resize along with the image !!
createTrackbar("Size", "Trackbar app", &slider, slider_max, on_trackbar);
// make it show without having to move the trackbar initially:
// just wait forever. (no loop nessecary)
return 0;