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click to hide/show revision 1
initial version

I think because the standard bitmap has the following properties.

   Bitmaps are saved row-based.

   When the height is positive, it is a bottom-up bitmap, that is, the last line comes first in memory.

   A row must be aligned on a 4-byte boundary.

   Color channel order is BGR (unless specified otherwise by BI_BITFIELDS masks).
click to hide/show revision 2
fixed formatting

updated Jan 26 '13

SR gravatar image

I think because the standard bitmap has the following properties.

  • Bitmaps are saved row-based. row-based.
  • When the height is positive, it is a a bottom-up bitmap, that is, the last last line comes first in memory. memory.
  • A row must be aligned on a 4-byte boundary. 4-byte boundary.
  • Color channel order is BGR (unless (unless specified otherwise by BI_BITFIELDS masks).