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@theodore Hi (i'm happyforce but I was not able to log in with my previous account since it used (google button))

I have just 1 question left my program is nearly finished I only need to know 1 thing.

I have the rectangles which would cover the song numbers (green in the picture you showed) . I need to be able to check if there is something in the box. As it happens sometimes there are lines too much at the end of the pages. For example:

image description : you can see at the end of a column we have a line and at the start of the next column we have another line. I need to be able to filter these situations so I was thinking I can checke whether the song number is there or not.

So in short:

I need a function/ functions to check if a rectangle is empty on the given file.

As it seems simple I have not found an example yet.