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you need to find the translation and rotation matrices. First apply a keypoints feature detector (surf, sift, etc...), extract the descriptors, match the descriptors, extract homography (i.e. translation and rotation matrices) and then apply warpPerspective or remap functionality as @thdrksdfthmn said in his answer.

you need to find the translation and rotation matrices. First apply a keypoints feature detector (surf, sift, etc...), extract the descriptors, match the descriptors, descriptors (or you can avoid this if you use predefined points, with known coordinate points), extract homography (i.e. translation and rotation matrices) and then apply warpPerspective or remap functionality as @thdrksdfthmn said in his answer.

you need to find the translation and rotation matrices. First apply a keypoints feature detector (surf, sift, etc...), extract the descriptors, match the descriptors (or you can avoid this if you use predefined points, with known coordinate points, you will need minimum 4 points), extract homography (i.e. translation and rotation matrices) and then apply warpPerspective or remap functionality as @thdrksdfthmn said in his answer.