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initial version

the output is not an image, but a list of 2d points. please see docs

Mat gray; cvtColor(ocv,gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

vector<point> gftt; goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, gftt, 100, 0.1, 5);

for (size_t i=0; i<gftt.size(); i++)="" circle(ocv,="" gftt[i],="" 4,="" scalar(200,0,0));<="" p="">

the output is not an image, but a list of 2d points. please see docs

Mat gray; cvtColor(ocv,gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY);


vector<point> vector<Point> gftt; goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, gftt, 100, 0.1, 5);


for (size_t i=0; i<gftt.size(); i++)="" circle(ocv,="" gftt[i],="" 4,="" scalar(200,0,0));<="" p=""> i++) circle(ocv, gftt[i], 4, Scalar(200,0,0));

image description

the output is not an image, but a list of 2d points. please see docs

Mat gray; cvtColor(ocv,gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

vector<Point> gftt;
goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, gftt, 100, 0.1, 5);

for (size_t i=0; i<gftt.size(); i++)
    circle(ocv, gftt[i], 4, Scalar(200,0,0));

image description image description

the output is not an image, but a list of 2d points. please see docs

Mat gray; cvtColor(ocv,gray,COLOR_BGR2GRAY);

vector<Point> gftt;
goodFeaturesToTrack(gray, gftt, 100, 0.1, 5);

for (size_t i=0; i<gftt.size(); i++)
    circle(ocv, gftt[i], 4, Scalar(200,0,0));

imshow("Output", ocv);

image description image description